The Dare - Iwaoi (Fluff)

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Oikawa wants to die...

How Kageyama knew he liked someone is beyond him, but no one else seems to be surprised which makes him wonder how obvious he had been.

They were playing truth or dare at their monthly setter sleepover. The setters from a handful of teams all created a group chat a while back, which led to monthly sleepovers and that has inevitably led to this disaster.

Maybe he kind of deserves this after forcing Kageyama to admit he was in love with Hinata (it was obvious so he didn't think it was that big of a deal). Now he regretted that truth completely. Or maybe he regrets choosing a dare but truths are for losers: hence why Kageyama chose truth. But that's just Oikawa's petty opinion.

"I'll take your silence as confirmation you do like someone," Kageyama says smugly because he already knew Oikawa did. Somehow. Oikawa gulps and looks down.

"Well? Come on, we don't have all night." Oikawa glares weekly.

"Fuck you."

"Paybacks a bitch."

"Come on Oikawa it's not a big deal," Suga says while taking a sip of his drink. Oikawa turns his glare on him.

"Being the only one in a relationship here you have no ability to say shit like that." Suga rolls his eyes but stays quiet.

"You have to do it Oikawa."

"Unless of course, you're too scared." Kageyama is way too smug for Oikawa's liking but he does slowly pull out his phone.

Usually, this wouldn't be a big deal. He usually chooses dare because he's honestly fine embarrassing himself when alcohol is in his system. He's definitely not drunk enough for this though.

"Seriously Tōru hurry this up." Now he glares at Kenma.

"You do realize this could potentially destroy our entire 18-year friendship, right?" Everyone in the room gives him a look of disbelief.

"Believe us if Iwaizumi had any intention of ditching your ass he would have done so ages ago." Oikawa pouts.

"Oikawa you know he would never let this fuck shit up."

"Yeah so man up and pick up your fucking phone. Drama queen." Oikawa shoots Kageyama a dirty look.

"I actually despise you and hope you fall into a well and die." A few of the setters find his insult funny but Oikawa doesn't pay attention. Instead, he opens his phone, clicks on the contact, and calls.

He brings it to his ear and waits anxiously.

It's like 2 am, so there's honestly a good chance Iwaizumi is sound asleep. He should be at least. So he sits there, saying 'please don't pick up' to himself over and over again as he waits for voice mail.

Oikawa has never had much luck when it comes to shit like this.

'Do you have any idea what time it is, asshole?' Oikawa cringes when his, clearly annoyed, voice comes through the speaker. He would feel bad but it's clear in his voice Iwaizumi was already awake. 'What could you possibly want, Shittykawa.' He says after Oikawa takes too long to respond, his heart practically beating out of his chest with nerves.

"Hi sorry, I umm...just needed tell you something...I guess." He curses himself for sounding so...weak? Pathetic? Whatever it is, he doesn't like it. He hears Iwaizumi let out a long sigh.

'It better be good considering it's 2 in the fucking morning.'

"Hey, you were the one to pick up so clearly you weren't asleep." Iwaizumi is quiet for a second.

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