Lovely - Kagehina (Angst)

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It was hot and hard to breathe. Dust swirled around and filled Hinata's lungs as he pulled the trigger one last time, sending a man to the floor, limp. He was tired. The building around him was weak and crumbling. Clumps of rocks from the ceiling make piles on the ground from where it fell during the battle. Hinata's armor, armor made to protect him from bone-crushing rocks, weighed him down. Bits and pieces of debris fell around him.

He needed to get out of there. Fast, or the weak, collapsing building will bury him forever. But he couldn't leave. Not yet. Because he didn't go into the building alone. The battle was chaotic though. It was a trap. He and Kageyama had gotten separated somewhere in the flashes of loud and loud bursting sounds that still had his ears ringing. He looked around, but didn't see anyone. More of the flaky rocks barely stand above his head fall, filling the air with more and more thick dust, making his vision hazy.

"Kageyama!" He calls out, forcing his aching, burning legs to move through the thick cloud. His only light is the sun cracking its way through the bricks. "Kageyama!" He calls again and steps up and above chucks of concrete, listening to the sound of more scraps falling from the walls and ceiling. He didn't care though.

His boots crack and scrap against the rocky, uneven surface as he makes his way through the battlefields that had been a simple, empty building not too long ago. A building destroyed in a Hinataer of minutes. "Kageyama! Can you hear me!" He's met with silence once again. He sighs, looking around the room. The Kageyamas of light shimmered off the dust, making the room almost feel like a dream. Unreal. Ethernal.

He takes more steps, boots slipping once or twice as rocks give out under his feet. He makes his way over another mound of rubble, wearing bigger chunks of the building fall to the ground outside. It doesn't Hinataer though. Because once he's over the rubble he sees him.

He sees Kageyama, lying on the ground, gun next to his hand but not held. His armor is trashed and useless. A lifeless body, almost as lifeless as Kageyama's but Hinata can see the rise of Kageyama's chest, is lying next to him. "Holy shit..." Hinata breathes out before he's scramblings through the rocks and to his friend's side, falling to his knees. "Kageyama, hey hey hey Kageyama wake up." He shakes the boy a little and he opens his eyes, looking at Hinata with pure exhaustion. "Hey dude come on. This building is going to fall any minute. We gotta go." He encourages but something in Kageyama's eyes leaves a sinking feeling in his stomach.

"Hinata..." He says softly before slowly looking down at his legs. Hinata follows his gaze but god he wishes he didn't. The pit in his stomach turns to stone, sinking all the way to the ground as he stares at his best friend's leg, crushed under the rubble. As much as he wanted to give himself hope, it was no good. He'd been in the army long enough to tell the difference between a salvageable injury and a fatal one. Kageyama's leg was crushed. Even if Hinata could somehow move thousands of pounds of rock, Kageyama can't walk. Even if Hinata could somehow free Kageyama and find the strength to drag him free, the building dangling above their heads was almost out of time. "Hinata, you need to leave before this building kills us both."

Hinata slowly looks away from his leg and to his face, which he instantly regrets. He knows the looks of someone desperate to save one he cares about. He's seen it so many times it haunts him in the night. "Hinata." Kageyama starts again but Hinata isn't having it.

"No." Because no, he can't just leave. He can't just leave the man he loves to be crushed to death.

"Hinata, don't be stupid," Kageyama says firmly and Hinata glares a little.

"When am I ever not stupid." Kageyama sighs in frustration.

"Hinata...please for once in your life do as I say..."

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