Chapter 17 - Internal Battle

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The light of the day had long since ebbed and dwindled to nothing as midnight marched steadily. The air was cooler, and damper than it had been that afternoon. In the sweet rain-washed darkness, the sounds of the night grew loud in Rin's ears, even the rustling of the leaves and the whisper of the wind was thunderous.

A sliver of moonlight spilled into the room, diffusing over the girl laying on the bed. While deep asleep, Rin felt a hint of a chill. Her almond-shaped eyes blearily blinked awake. She stared absently at the window across from her, moonlight pooling through its cracks.

She needed to get up. Wash her face. Train and then start planning their attack on the An Clan.

"Rise and shine!"

To the sound of a child's voice, Rin's eyes widened. Shooting up in bed, she looked over to see a young girl sitting on the edge of the bed, staring at her. Rin was dumbstruck and unable to reply.

Rather than being alarmed by the sudden intruder in her room, what shocked her more was the little girl's appearance. Dark hair, pale skin...and dazzling emerald eyes that stared back at her.

It was her.

At the same time, the little Rin had already hopped off the bed and walked toward her.

"It seems you didn't get a good night's it because all of your emotions are finally coming to light?" Her cute, soft voice sounded innocent, but the piercing glint in her eyes was anything but that. "Have you forgotten the reason for everything you've done? Is that why you're starting to waver?"

Rin's brows furrowed. "What are you..."

"Are you starting to doubt trusting An Sun? Trusting everyone?"

Eyes widening, Rin felt as if her throat was burning on fire.


The little Rin sighed and walked casually around the room. Her eyes would glance at objects from time to time, but she never touched anything. She just stared with an unreadable gaze. When she suddenly turned around to face Rin, the smile on her face turned cold.

"Well, that's convenient, isn't it?" Little Rin slowly walked toward her. "He thinks you trust him, so use that to your advantage. After all, from the beginning is that not what he and everyone were for? Is that not why you decided to stay by his side, because he could help you with your purpose?"

"No..." Rin could hardly speak, her words caught in her throat.

Standing in front of her, little Rin smiled and released a giggle.

"Don't fight against the truth. Use it to your advantage and can finally take back the empire that belongs to us and avenge mommy."

"Stop it!"

At that moment, Rin's eyes shot open as she gasped for breath. Her cheeks were wet, and her body was bathed in a cold sweat. Her heart pounded against her chest. Rin trembled. The room was entirely dark. No light anywhere. The remnants of her nightmare still clung to her mind, haunting her.

Rin touched her perspiring forehead wearily.

" unpleasant dream." She whispered.

She should probably get out of bed now. Wash her face. Train...and plan for the An Clan's attack.

For a moment, Rin stared at the bedsheets before finally getting out of bed.


"Hah!" Rin swung her sword to the side of the wooden dummy. A small dent along with the many other marks was embedded. Every time she hit the dummy; a dent was made. Deeper and deeper than the last.

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