Chapter 59 - Doomed To Love

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"Where is An Sun?" Yun Suyin's clear and beautiful voice caused onlookers' hearts quiver.

Unlike everyone else, the expression on Aiguo's face turned bitter. He sneered and crossed his arms.

"He's not here."

The graceful expression on Yun Suyin's face cracked a little. She looked at the boy before her. His chin was raised high, seemingly defiant. She pouted.

"What do you mean he's not here?" She asked.

"It's just as I said. He's not here." The boy huffed.

Yun Suyin frowned. "Do you know where he went?"

Aiguo shrugged. "He went off somewhere in the woods. Probably to go fight with the bears and wolves to train himself. That was six months ago, and we haven't heard anything since. I'm unsure when he'll all pieces that is."

Hearing his words, Yun Suyin suddenly felt faint. Her body swayed like a withering flower. She nearly fainted from the shock. Elder Cai beside her paled and supported her. While regarding the scene before him with a snicker, Aiguo suddenly felt a smack on the top of his head.

"Ow!" He raised his teary eyes to see Captain Rui looking at him with a glare.

"Stop joking around." He warned before looking back at Yun Suyin. "The man you speak of, An Sun, he left eight months ago to join the army in Jinping."

Yun Suyin breathed a sigh of relief, her pale face regaining its rosy color.

"Please come in. You must have endured a long journey." Captain Rui welcomed them inside while pulling Aiguo by the ear.

The last sun rays of the day kissed the Bai Manor. The trees silhouettes against a newly silver sky, the blue hue almost gone until dawn. Their branches swayed in the wind, creaking into the gusting air.

"They've all gone off to battle in the west..." Yun Suyin was so startled that the words froze in her throat. Her entire body felt limp.

"Yes. It's been almost three months since then." Captain Rui drank from his cup. Although his tone was calm, his brows were furrowed.

"I see..." Yun Suyin lowered her head. She stared at the hands clasped on her lap.

If it were true that Bai Rin went to fight in the west, then...An Sun would also be there. Just like their first meeting, his mission was to find Bai Rin.

Her fists clenched white. "May I ask how the situation is in the west?"

The captain's expression shifted. He sighed. "I—"

Just before he finished speaking, a soldier slid open the door with a clatter.

"Captain! There's a letter from the commander!"

Everyone's expression changed at that moment. Yun Suyin was alarmed to see the captain abruptly stand up, the tea set on the table trembling. He tore open the seal and read the letter. She couldn't help but lean forward, curious.

From the beginning, Captain Rui's expression hadn't changed—revealing nothing. However, his prolonged immersion in the letter before him made Yun Suyin unsettled.

She gripped the skirt of her dress. "Captain Rui?"

"My apologies, Miss Yun." Captain Rui tucked the letter in his sleeve. "It's late. You and your servants may take refuge in our rooms until you leave."

"But—" Yun Suyin couldn't help but stare at where the captain had tucked the letter. She shut her lips before gently nodding her head.

After Elder Cai checked on her, he left for his room. On the bed, Yun Suyin leaned against the wall and tucked her knees close to her chest.

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