Chapter 10 - Unknown Enemy

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Before the emperor knew it, three weeks had passed. Through the days, he would request reports on Rin's progress. When he wasn't attending court matters, he would personally go and inspect the training grounds.

One evening, he came to barracks. Everything was silent, empty. Not a single person was seen in sight, causing the emperor to frown. However, the moment he entered the training grounds, his eyes widened.

Lines upon lines of soldiers, long wooden staffs gripped in hands, engaged in a mock battle in uniformed unison. On the other side were archers, consistently shooting arrow after arrow at a target of trees.

There were a thousand new recruits training under the melting sun with not a single whisper of complaint. This was a rare sight to see.

The emperor glanced over to see a rather short figure observing the troops with roving eyes as they intently watched the recruits' every movement. The young man would look up then lower his head to record something in his notebook.

This had only been three weeks into the training. In only a short amount of time was the northern strategist able to show his abilities.

More often did the emperor quickly finish his work before going to the training grounds to see Rin's improvement. Each time, a lingering of hope would fill his heart.

On the first day of the fourth week, the emperor would visit again.

"Come on! Faster! Move!"

Rin shouted at the troops running across the field. Every day, the recruits ran thirty miles around the field by noon.

"For someone so young, he's quite impressive isn't he?" General Donghai watched alongside the emperor.

"Yes..." The emperor nodded. "But he's still someone from the north. All his efforts have shown he's capable. But not trustworthy. However..."

The emperor's eyes followed Rin's movements with a profound gaze.

"I can't help but be hopeful."

General Donghai glanced at him before looking back at the young strategist on the training grounds. When the troops finished their laps around the field, they all lined up in a row, waiting for their following commands.

"Well done. Now that you've completed your warmups, you may all go to eat your meals for today. When you finish, return here and commence your training."

"Yes, sir!"

Holding back a smile, Rin turned to greet the pair of eyes observing her from a distance. From the beginning, she sensed the emperor's stare on her. Not just today but for the last few weeks now. Every few days, he would come and watch her train the recruits. After they finished, he would leave without saying a word.

Except for today that is.

"Come to my study for a drink."

A little surprised by his offer, Rin just smiled and nodded her head to the emperor's request. Inside his study, Rin stood with her hands behind her back while she watched the emperor pour a glass of red wine into a cup.

"Please, have a seat." He motioned to the chairs in front of his desk before turning to a table of liquors. "I have to say, I'm impressed by your abilities. From what I've heard so far, the new recruits are doing exceptionally well."

"I'm honored my techniques impress you, your Majesty," Rin replied as she took her seat.

The emperor chuckled dryly. "May I ask who taught you?"

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