Chapter 66 - A Guilty Heart

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Winter had long begun. The mountain air was cold now in the mornings and warmed only reluctantly in the thin sunlight that filtered through the dying leaves.

"After the danger is dealt with, we will return as quickly as we can." General Guo adjusted the reins on his horse.

"I understand. Please be safe over there." Rin said and passed him a gourd. "And take this with you. It's a little something to enjoy on your journey."

General Guo's eyebrows raised. He took the gourd, sniffed inside, and lifted his eyes to hers.

"Lotus root and pork soup." A small curve appeared on his lips. "You still remember how to make it."

Rin scratched her cheek. "It's not easy to forget your only favorite meal, uncle."

She would always remember the numerous trials and errors she went through to find her uncle's favorite meal. Fresh deer she hunted in the woods. Sweet but poorly presented confections. All he had rejected, despite her effort. Only during dinner once, did she notice his love for lotus roots. Since then, she practiced recipes every day until she mastered lotus root and pork soup.

Seeming to reminisce in the same moment, something passed through General Guo's dark eyes. A flicker that was almost amusement.

He patted her cheek. "Remember to take care of yourself. The winters are bitter on your body."

"I will." She nodded her head and turned to Bai Han, who had been following the conversation. He walked toward them, donned in his majestic pale, silver armor.

"Are you sure you do not want to come with us?" Bai Han, who had come up to her, was gazing at her with a strange light in his deep eyes. "We can take that brat with us too."

Understanding that the 'brat' he was referring to was An Sun, Rin sighed softly. She held his hand tightly in her own.

"I have to stay. Right now, I need to fulfill my duty as a strategist. But the time will come for when I fulfill my duty as your granddaughter. Just as you must protect the north as their commander."

There was a silence, and she knew her grandfather was considering her words. Bai Han regarded her for a moment. He patted her hand and sighed heavily.

"I understand." He puffed out his chest. "But you better take care of yourself! Eat plenty of meat! Be wary around that brat. Who knows what he will do when we're gone." He paused, pursing his lips beneath his silver beard. "And that eastern emissary...I want you to be careful."

Rin nodded her head seriously. Bai Han looked relieved but, at the same time, reluctant. Who knew when they would see one another again. In rejoicing for their victory. Or despair for their loss.

Suppressing the tremble on his face, Bai Han pulled Rin to him and embraced her fiercely. "I love you, kiddo."

Rin hugged him back. "Mn. I love you too, grandfather," She murmured hoarsely.

They broke apart and looked at each other with benevolent eyes. Bai Han gently clasped her head and kissed the top of her forehead.

"We will see one another again..."

His words mingled with the sound of the hissing wind. Before she realized it, she had been standing there in the snow, surrounded by trees and a tall gate behind her. The figures of the two men she cherished had long disappeared.


In the afternoon light, the courtyard rang to the song of swords. Soldiers heaved and huffed, clouds of chilled air, sweat trickling icily down their faces. As they trained, hiding behind a tree, Yun Suyin regarded them keenly. More specifically, the figure instructing them.

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