Chapter 38 - A Rebel Province

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It didn't take long for word to spread of An Hongyu's death. Day by day, things began to change. And it was not long for more news to come. It wasn't good.

"What?" The emperor's face was filled with the growing realization of what he heard.

"The province's been destroyed by the An Clan."

Startled faces swept over the room. It had only been a few days since An Hongyu's death, and already, the An Clan was attacking them at full force. Around the room, Rin saw the change in the men's faces. Along with them, she was also quite disturbed by this news.

"Then it's time we attack first. We've settled back long enough." Bai Han said seriously.

"And how do you suggest we do that?" The emperor's eyebrow raised.

Rin joined. "We evacuate the unharmed provinces. Warn the governors and citizens and use their lands as a base for our troops."

A surging murmur of agreement came from the men in the room. The emperor rubbed his chin in thought.

"Very well. We will carry it out. Send word to the governors to evacuate. As for the soldiers...prepare them for battle."

By the end of the meeting, the men's eyes were bright and eager. As they went off to send messengers to the provinces before the An Clan's attacks, General Donghai, Bai Han, and Guo were helping prepare the soldiers for their upcoming battle.

After just two days, they received word that the majority of the citizens left without trouble. Although many were reluctant to leave their home, they still left, taking a few items with them. However, the province Shaoshu, refused to leave, including their own governor.

Reading the report, Rin tapped a finger against the table. With her chin propped on her palm, she shifted her eyes to the falcon beside her.

"It seems they have already started rebelling." She sighed and stroked the bird's head. "Fools. Fighting with just bravery and no skill will get them killed."

A steaming cup of tea appeared by her side. Lifting her head, Rin made no expression.

"Yellow tea. It's good for your health." Wei Jingyi said, a mild smile on his face.

Holding back a twitch in her face, Rin cradled the cup of tea between her hands. A gentle fruity, floral aroma warmed her cheeks.

"Thank you," She said before sipping it. It was surprisingly sweet.

Chuckling, Wei Jingyi took a cup for himself and sat in his seat. He took a few pieces of dried meat from his pocket and gave it to Ju. The falcon greedily ate his treats.

Wei Jingyi leaned forward in his chair. "So, what do you plan to do about the rebels?"

Sipping her tea, Rin stared at its contents in silence for a moment. "Naturally I don't want to lose any more people to the An Clan. So, I'll just need to give them some convincing."

"Oh?" Wei Jingyi raised an eyebrow. "In that case, I'm interested to see what you have planned." Each word came slowly as if it must be brought from a great depth. "However, princess..."

"Wei Jingyi," Rin's voice cut thinly.

He inclined his head. "My apologies..."

Saying nothing else, Rin sighed softly and leaned back in her seat to stare out the squared glass window. The first sign of night was already peeping through the dimming sun. In the sunset light, her back gleamed glossy-soft.

"Do you know how An Hongyu died?" She suddenly asked.

Pouring them both another cup of tea, he shook his head. "I wasn't able to receive a sufficient enough report."

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