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ARTEMIS STAYED AWAY FROM THE COMPOUND TODAY. They were finally making these so called 'moonlight rings' that she'd heard all about.

She didn't know how to feel about them, given the fact that it was the witch Genevieve making them.

She was all for the Crescent Wolves getting control back, but not if it meant using Genevieve.

Klaus had surprisingly asked Artemis to be there for when the stones were made, as precaution, but she politely refused.

She had some duties to fulfil at Red Moon anyway. It was the perfect excuse to stay away.

Atlas had been sorting though all the pack paperwork and now Artemis had to read through them and approve them. It varied from pack rules, to orders, to duties. Starting a pack from scratch was a lot of work, but they were making it work.

She sat in her office in the pack house, reading through the paperwork. She had been at it for hours already and was only halfway through the stack.

It seemed never-ending.

She paused her signature at the sound of a knock against wood.

"Come in." She announced.

Jaxon walked in, the first wolf she had initiated into the pack. The wolf she had assigned as Gamma, the third in command.

He nodded his head in respect to Artemis before taking a seat on the chair opposite her.

"Everyone respecting your orders?" She asked.

"Yes, Alpha. Although, I'm still getting used to it. I sometimes forget that I can give them out." Jaxon laughed.

"Understandable, took me some time at first too. Is everyone accustomed to the border patrols?"

"Yes. Shift patters are sorted and hidden spots are now covered."

"Brilliant, let's walk it. I need a break from all this paperwork." Artemis stood up and walked around her desk, leaving her office with Jaxon by her side.

When they walked past pack members they would bow their heads as a sign of respect to their Alpha. Artemis sent them cheerful smiles in return. They walked through the forest together discussing Jaxon's crush on one of the healers.

Artemis was trying to persuade him to make a move.

"I'm sure she likes you back, you guys are always staring all lovey dovey at each other when the other isn't looking." Artemis teased.

They reached the south side of the border and past the current guards who were walking up and down.

All of a sudden, a guards voice spoke through the pack link. "We've got movement on the south east!"

They're borders had been peaceful up until then. Artemis had been waiting for this moment, dreading it's arrival. She had her suspicions, it would either be the vampires or the witches.

Or maybe even both.

Jaxon shifted into his wolf and ran off, whilst Artemis matched his speed in her skin. They came across a group of wolves growling out past the border.

A male witch leaned against the tree, a smirk on their face. He didn't dare step any closer with all the wolves growling at him, ready to pounce.

"Surrender now, or everyone dies." The witch spoke out, proudly.

Artemis' eyebrows raised in amusement. "Surrender to you? I don't think so. You should walk away whilst you still can."

The witch clicked his fingers and twenty more witches stepped out from the shadows. "We wiped you lot out before and we can do it again."

"Where's your leader then? Too scared to face me herself? Bit pathetic really." Artemis crossed her arms over her chest and laughed at them.

"She has...other priorities." The witch smirked.

Fuck. Genevieve was up to something. She was going to mess up the moonlight rings for everyone.

She could sort this out. Then she'd run to the compound. Artemis smiled. Whilst she had been talking to the witch, Jaxon and linked the rest of the pack.

Anyone vulnerable, children and elderly had gone into the bunkers, whilst everyone else who could fight had gone tot he borders.

Atlas emerged from behind, standing next to his sister.

"Your funeral. " Artemis shrugged.

Artemis jumped forward and shifted into her wolf. She leapt at the witch and tore his head off before he could even think about casting a spell.

Red Moon Pack followed suit and attacked the other witches. The wolves may have been considerably smaller than Artemis' and Atlas' wolves but they sure were quick and agile, evading spells and making the smallest of attacks.

Witches didn't heal as quick.

Having been used to fighting in wolf forms due to all their vigorous training, the pack had defeated the witches and left one standing. She was dragged into the centre of pack lands, bites evident on her arms.

Artemis had shifted back into her skin and grabbed a t-shirt dress to slip into as she made it into the clearing. She stood before the witch and glared at her.

"You can run back to Genevieve and let her know that her silly little plan didn't work. You didn't kill a single one of my pack."

The witch spat at Artemis' feet in response.

"Get rid of her." From Artemis' command, two wolves dragged the witch away from the lands.

As Artemis turned around to head back inside and grab some proper clothes she heard a loud scream.

And it wasn't the scream of the witch she sent away.

It was a younger scream, one she had heard before.

Davina Claire.

She ran over as fast as she could to find the little witch cowering on the ground as three wolves surrounded her.

"Back down." Artemis snarled, her protective side rising to the surface.

The wolves stepped back, letting Artemis step forward and bring the witch to her feet.

"Davina, what are you doing here? Are you okay?" She scanned her head to toe, checking for any injuries.

"I'm fine. I heard the witches talking about attacking and came as soon as I could." Davina said, brushing her hair out of her face.

Artemis warmly smiled. "We got it covered."

"That's not the only reason I came. I found a spell."

"You found a spell?" But then realisation dawned on Artemis' face. "You found the spell?"

Davina nodded. She held up her hand towards Artemis. From what she had learnt about this particular spell, she had to mean it, have conviction, otherwise she'd do even more damage.

"Harae-tamai Kioku. Yomigaerashi-tamae."

Artemis collapsed to the ground, clutching her head in pain. She screamed out, as memories she had long since forgotten flashed to the forefront of her mind.

But the spell didn't stop there, it travelled the distance to every single person that had been affected by it.

Atlas, Esmeray. Elijah, Rebekah, Marcel and Klaus Mikaelson.

Only, Artemis and Klaus were the ones to collapse to the ground, having lost the most memories.

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