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NIKLAUS MIKAELSON SAT ON THE ARMCHAIR BESIDE his bed, waiting. His faced showed no emotion as he held it all in. So much had happened ever since they went against the witches.

Artemis had been out for a day, her body was fully recovering, giving her the healing she needed. He hadn't left her side since seeing his daughter off. He didn't even let anyone in the room.

Not even Atlas.

Now that he had her back, he wasn't letting anything come between them.

Elijah had been the one to explain to Atlas and Esmeray what had happened and they filled him in on the pack being attacked by witches.

In order to protect his daughter, Klaus needed everyone to know that the she was dead. Hope Mikaelson had died during the battle, she didn't make it.

It was what they told everyone.

Only a select few knew the actual truth. Himself, Elijah, Hayley and Rebekah. Marcel originally did know but he was compelled to forget.

Rebekah had taken the child into her care, into hiding so that no one could find Hope.

Even Atlas and Esmeray were led to believe that she had died. Having Red Moon Pack know that she was alive could be problematic. Klaus needed it to be kept to a select few, the less people who, the better it was.

Artemis moved in her sleep, causing Klaus' eyes to fall on her figure. She was turned to face him as her eyes fluttered open and fell on his face.

Even with their memories fully restored, everything still felt unfamiliar. They stared at each other before Artemis raised her hand, holding it for him.

Klaus climbed into the bed beside her, nestling under the covers.

"What happened?" Artemis whispered loud enough for him to hear. Her hand grabbed onto his, seeking the comfort of his touch.

She could feel their bond. The bond that Celeste Dubois worked so hard to destroy. It was back and stronger than ever.

"The witch was working with Francesca. She wanted the rings for herself, for her pack, the Guerrera wolves. They used my blood to make the rings, so whenever they use their rings on the full moon, I am weakened.

And then Marcel happened. He needed to be taught a lesson. But then Hayley went into labour."

Artemis laid down and pulled Klaus' head to rest on her chest. She could sense that he didn't want to talk about this. Her wolf whined in her head for her mate. She fiddled with the strands of his har, giving him comfort.

"We had to send Hope away. They won't stop. The witches wouldn't stop until they had her. It was the only way. We've made everyone believe that she died, but really she's gone with Rebekah."

"I'm so sorry, Nik." Artemis' voice broke at hearing how sad he was. She couldn't even imagine the feeling of having to send away your only child.

"It was for the best. She would only be a weapon used against me. I can't have that."

"You did the right thing. And Rebekah would never let a single hair on her head be harmed. She'll treat her as her own."

"I know she will."

Artemis tilted his head to look into his eyes. "I know how much you were looking forward to being a father, Nik. But fear not, you'll have it one day. I know you will. You'll get Hope back and she'll be able to grow up in a loving family. But for now, I am here. We're going to get through this. We're going to make this a safe place for Hope, so that one day, she can come home."

She pressed a short but sweet kiss onto his lips and pulled away. What Klaus needed was someone to be there for him right now, and Artemis would be that anchor. If he needed someone to hold him, she would cling onto him for dear life. If he needed someone to shout at, he could scream at her until his throat was raw. She would be there every step of the way.

She was his for life.

It was going to be hard. She didn't know how long her mate would be down. But she would wait. They'd done it before after all. And she would try her best to heal his broken heart.

"You know, I really should be ripping your balls off, for parading around with that witch." Artemis remarked.

"Ugh, don't remind me." Klaus groaned, burying his head into her neck. He breathed in her scent, his grip around her tightening. Klaus' head shot up until he was directly above her, confusion on his face. "How did we get our memories back?"

She softly smiled. "Davina. Selene put her name in my head, even when she was dead, knowing that the little witch would be answer to our lost memories. She came just after we were attacked by the witches. I went straight to the compound thinking you would be there but found Marcel. He had had the crescent crown the whole time without knowing, but Genevieve stole it at some point. And she still has it." Artemis groaned.

"Do you mean this crown?" Klaus reached into the back pocket of his trousers and pulled the small weapon out.


"Hayley found it in Genevieve's possession after she killed her."

"Thank fuck." Artemis breathed out, carefully taking the crown from his hand and inspecting it.

It had been cleaned of her blood. Back to its original state. When she next went to Red Moon she'd place the crown back where it belonged; on the statue of Selene.

Guards would be doubled. No-one was getting their hands on it again.

The two of them laid in bed for many hours, cuddling, comforting each other and reminiscing on moments of their lives that they had forgotten. Tears fell as they would not get the chance to see the growing up of Hope Mikaelson, daughter and goddaughter.

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AN: Two more chapters and then the edited chapters are done and we'll be onto new ones. That spicy chapter that was meant to happen ages ago has not been forgotten 😏

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