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ARTEMIS LENNOX WATCHED KLAUS WITH WORRY etched on her face. She wouldn't normally have felt this way for the Hybrid. But things had changed. They both had a mutual friend in Camille O'Connor, and her uncle had just died.

Artemis had found out that Klaus did whatever he could to try and save the priest, but nothing worked. The hex had taken over.

She didn't know why she sat beside him on the table at Father Kieran's wake. She just did. Klaus was mauling over his glass of scotch.

"Hey! Earth to you!" Cami announced taking the seat opposite the pair.

"Hey Cami." Artemis sombrely greeted.

"Your face—" Klaus said notching the evident wounds.

"—Will heal. Listen, I wanted to thank you—"

"Unless you've come equipped with the means to fill this, no additional platitudes are necessary." He held up his glass.

"Okay...I'm in a crap mood because my uncle died and people are partying like it's Mardi Gras. What's his excuse?" Cami directed the question to Artemis.

Artemis sighed.

"Klaus, seriously what's going on?" Cami lowered her voice and leant forward.

"I've been having these dreams about my dead father. No diagnosis necessary, love. I've already got this one covered: my fears of fatherhood, of scarring my child as my father scarred me, are manifesting as nightmares." He took a long drink and produced a fake smile. "It's horrifically cliche."

"Truthfully? I'm just surprised to hear you acknowledge out loud that you're going to be a dad. Your baby mama has been living out in the bayou for months, it's not exactly What To Expect When You're Expecting."

Klaus immediately noticed Marcel walk into the bar. "I know more about the trials of fatherhood than you might imagine, Camille."

"And it worked out for you so well the first time, so why change a thing?" With that, Cami left the table and Klaus looked back down at his drink.

They listened to Marcel's speech about Father Kieran and shortly after, Atlas entered the var with Elio in his arms. The toddler was dressed in smartly, and practically jumped out of his father's arms when he saw Artemis.

He climbed over Klaus and jumped into hers. "Aunt Ari! I missed you."

"Hey, pup. I missed you too." She kissed his cheek and sat him on her lap.

Even though he was in a mood, Klaus fist bumped the toddler in greeting.

"Thanks for taking him today." Atlas said, smiling gratefully at his sister.

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