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"CHAMOMILE. IT'S THE SAME TEA MY MOTHER MADE. How I loathed it." Klaus remarked after he took a sip from his cup.

Artemis didn't dare touch hers. She knew not to take anything from witches from now on. Especially ones she didn't trust.

"Would you have preferred mint?" Cassie replied, her mouth tilting into a smile.

"You know, she was insane, my mother."

Cassie raised her eyebrows.

"No, it's true. She believed we were abominations. A curse on this earth, stretched out over generations. Is how she put it. But she was the true monster. She changed her children, stole our innocence, made us vampires, condemned us to an eternity of bloodlust, and then acted as if we were to blame."

During his speech, Artemis had crossed her legs over each other and leant more into Klaus side. Her eyes didn't leave Cassie face, watching it for her emotions.

"She sounds awful. Are you building to a question, Niklaus?"

She felt him slightly flinch. Only his family used his true name.

"You use my full name, as though we are familiars. I find it insulting. Before she died a witch revealed that your coven was under my mother's influence. Does she speak to you now?"

Cassie smiled. "She doesn't have to—I know exactly what she would say. She would tell you to go to your room for being so rude."

Klaus slammed his hand over Cassie's, glaring at her eyes. Artemis had stood up at the sudden action, but then a group of werewolves walked inside, surrounding them.

"It's okay. Niklaus was just leaving."

"I will happily kill them all!" Klaus boasted.

"Then, you will have murdered members of the very pack you still hope to someday lead. Besides, there's no need for bloodshed. We can always resume this discussion another day. Goodnight, Niklaus. We will speak again soon."

Klaus grabbed Artemis' hand to lead her out of the Lycée. But she halted them in her steps turning to the werewolf's.

"Those rings will backfire on you. You should be ashamed of yourselves for working with the witches who would happily kill our kind." She cast her face to look at all of them. "When you wanna see what real power is, you'll know where to find me."

With that said, she then pulled Klaus out of the Lycée and they didn't speak a word until they had left the Cemetery.

When they reached an empty side street, Klaus let go of Artemis hand only to angrily punch a brick wall.

"Nik! What the fuck?" Artemis pulled him away from the wall by his shoulder.

"That was no ordinary witch, love. She is the devil incarnate, the worst of the worst—"

"Your mother, I presume?" Artemis folded her arms over her chest.

"How did you?" Klaus was shocked that she had guessed it correct so quick.

"You forget that I know everything about you, Nik." Artemis ran her hands up his chest, slowly, until they rested around the back of his neck. "And I know how much you hate your parents."

"My memory is a bit hazy right now, probably best if you remind me." Klaus smirked, looking into her eyes.

"I showed you my wolf for the very first time and you told me about the curse she had placed on you."

"And then what happened?"

Artemis drew her face level to his, mere millimetres keeping them apart. "Then we had our very first kiss." She pressed her lips against his, just like she had that first time.

It was slow and controlled, neither one planning to rush it. It felt exactly like it did that first time around, before they were forced to forget. Sparks flew and she received that warm fuzzy feeling in her stomach.

When they pulled apart, they were breathless and lost in each other's eyes.

"I need to speak to Elijah." Klaus groaned, not wanting to separate from his mate.

"I know, I need to find Atlas. I'll see you later?"

"Of course, love."

⋄ ⧫ ⟡ ⧫ ⋄

"We've got a problem." Artemis rumbled as she collapsed onto the couch Atlas was sitting on. She immediately stole the bottle of beer he was drinking from and downed it.

"That was mine." Atlas pouted, trying to steal back the bottle unsuccessfully.

Artemis narrowed her eyes at her younger brother.

"Alright, fine. What's this problem then?"

"Mumma Original is back in town."

Atlas lazily waved his hand. "I'm not seeing the problem here."

"Esther created vampires. The very thing she regrets and has been finding a way to kill them ever since."

"Ah, okay. I understand now. Your worried about your big bad hybrid." Atlas grinned.

Artemis whacked him on his chest. "Atlas be serious here. She almost killed them before, what's going to stop her now when the stake is missing."

"Alright, alright. Look nothing is going to happen to Klaus." Atlas sat up and pulled his sister into a hug. "We will kill the witch before she ever gets her hands on that stake. You've just got him back and I know damn well that you won't let anything take him away again. You can always count on us to help you."

"Thank you, Atlas." She whispered.

It was moments in these where she could rely on her brother to be there for her. Artemis may look strong on the outside, but on the inside?

She was breaking.

She would not lose again. She just couldn't.

It felt like everything was always against her, not wanting them to be together even though Selene had deemed it that way.

She had to stay strong. Klaus needed her. They were similar in that way; he wouldn't show his emotions. But Artemis knew the truth. He was lost and angry. And that could get him into trouble. He could easily make mistakes if he didn't keep his head on.

She would not lose her soulmate.

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