2 different worlds

Start from the beginning

"Sorry." Pietro called back. "Sam, T'challa, Aaliyah." Steve siad. "Hmm?" Sam asked. "Fury and Stephanie want us at Shield." Steve said. "Let's go then." Aaliyah said. They took the quinjet and had to dodge Hope, Rhodey, and Thor who were praticing in the sky while Scott watched from the ground.

"Scott if you don't stop shouting corrections I will come down there and kick your ass." Hope threatened. "Noted. Shutting up now." Scott said. 

Sparrow got a text. "Hey, Ellie and Yukio wanna come over to get away from wade. Is that cool?" Sparrow asked strange. "Sure." He agreed. "Mr.Stark said that the X-Men are banned from the tower for another week until their living quarters are done." Friday said.

"Oh yeah. I forgot about the suprise." Penny said. "They're already done though." Sparrow said. "Tony just doesn't like them." Strange said. Sparrow sighed. "I'll just go over there then." She said. 

Friday came over the speakers. "Stephanie and Patchy the Pirate have asked that everyone make their way to the Compound to help with renovations and training." Sparrow sighed. "I just wanna hangout with my friends." She whined.

"You have me, Hannah, Shuri, Natalie, Nicole, Milena, Alessia, Cassidy, Wanda, and Luna." Penny said. "That's true." Sparrow said. "Last one to the compound is a rotten egg." Belina shouted using her light powers to teleport her and Saffi away.

Penny and Milena used their darkness manipulation to teleport using shadows. Alessia had pietro run her there. Tony used his suit. Strange and Nicole made portals. Bruce went through the portal with Nicole. 

Hope, Rhodey, and Thor flew there. Scott caught a ride on one of his ants. Sparrow used her pyroportation to teleport her, Natalie, Natasha, and Cassidy there. Luna teleported there. Hannah ran there. Vision and Wanda flew.

Loki teleported. Clint and Bucky sighed as Shuri and Peter put on the rocket boots they engineered. "Steve and them took the quinjet. Can you give us a lift?" Clint asked. Peter nodded and they flew there.

They were obviously the last ones there. "4 rotten eggs?" Tony asked. "Technically Shuri and Clint got here after us." Bucky said. "Because Clint had to lose his grip and fall." Shuri groaned. "Not my fault I'm only used to flying in a jet." Clint said.

Shuri rolled her eyes. "We got some shipments of weapons and restocks of food. We could use your help." Stephanie said. "Why all of us?" Cassidy asked. "It's a lot of stuff." Sam said. Everyone shrugged and got to work.

Meanwhile Kaecilius was setting up a very complicated spell. "Are you ready?" He asked the 3 other wizards that were with him. They nodded. "(Insert very complicated spell)" They all kept repeating  it until Kaecilius and the other wizard over 18 disappeared.

The two teenage trouble makers smirked at eachother knowing that it worked.

At the avengers compound 

"Hey strange, could you use your powers to move these boxes?" Hannah asked. "Sure." Strange said walking over. "Brother I need you lift me so I can put the Chicken in the freezer." Belina said. Thor came over and lifted her up.

"So if I give you guys a week off of training you'll be on your A game the following week." Stephanie summed up what Penny and Cassidy were saying. "Yup." Penny said. "Well I suppose-" Stephanie got cut off by her fading away. 

(Think when TV shows fade from the show to commercial.) 

"Stephanie?" Penny asked. They heard a crash in  the common room and rushed over. "Strange?" Hannah called. Belina screamed from the kitchen as she fell. "Are you ok?" Peter asked. 

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