"How do you know?" he asked.

"Elena and I saw a drone hovering in the air. It's up there right now, about a hundred meters in the air." she answered, and unsuspiciously, Ace nodded his head as he turned over to my husband, whispering a command into his ear.

We all waited silently as Ace made the decision on what our next move will be. "We'll continue to ski as if nothing was wrong. It'll make their confidence go higher and think that we are dumb." Ace said quietly, his voice barely louder than the wind.

"Got it, Boss." I echoed, before I started acting like we knew nothing about the fact that we were being watched. "So... Why are we so quiet?"

"I don't know." Samantha said, catching onto the game we were playing as we intentionally whispered louder than we usually do. This was because we wanted to make it seem like we had no idea why we went quiet all of a sudden.

With each word spoken, our voices became louder and louder until it became normal volume. The only reason why we didn't change it to normal volume faster was because by making the volume of our voice gradually get louder, the person watching us won't really notice the sudden difference of the loudness of our voices. Smart right?

"Do you want to go back up? Or do you want to continue down the mountain and meet Salvatore and the rest?" Ace asked us.

"Let's go down." Samantha suggested, and nodding, we all put our helmets back on.

Strapping my snowboarding shoes into the snowboard, the four of us kicked off and made our way straight down.

- A m a r a  R u s s o -

"This is actually pretty fun." I remarked as I slid down the hill with Salvestro at my heels.

It was in the middle of the day, and although the sun was beating down on us, the wind kept us cool as the breeze cut harshly into my skin. I swear, I could feel my skin breaking under the pressure and the force. Who knew that Russian winters were this strong?

"It is." Salvestro agreed, "And it will only get more fun as you advance into higher levels."

Samantha, Elena, and their husbands have left us already, deciding to go on the steeper hills while my brothers stayed with me. Not long later, the twins and Sandeo decided to go up into the advanced level hills, leaving Salvestro and Salvatore with me.

I was only on the beginner hills, and if I thought that these hills were too steep for me, I could only imagine what it would be like for me if I went onto the advanced hills, not even counting the double black diamond ones.

Obviously, I can see the people ski down from the higher level hills from the bottom, but I could only imagine what it would be like actually skiing down from there.

Salvatore soon came, his skis swimming into my vision as he stared at me.


"Do you think you're ready to try those hills?" Salvatore asked me, and gestured over to the hill that was slightly higher than the one I was on.

"I don't know," I muttered as I looked at the mountain cautiously.

I have been extremely lucky these past few hours, not really failing anything Salvestro taught me. I just didn't think this luck would last on the higher side of the mountains though.

"Well do you feel comfortable?" Salvatore raised a brow, and I shrugged my shoulders.


"Salvestro," Salvatore sighed, "Do you think Amara is ready for the higher hills, or do you think that she still needs more practice?"

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