20: Unstoppable Desire Part One (Lime)

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Warning! This is a part one of two, and as a lime there'll be slight sexual content but it won't be all the way (at least not in part one...). (y/n) and Bakugou are step-siblings in this oneshot, I warn you now, so think of that what you will. One more thing, if I see the word 'rape' anywhere in the comments please know that it'll genuinely make me upset. Yes it may seem a bit awkward at first, but if you carry on reading both parts you will know that there is consent, and as an author I would never ever dream of making Bakugou a rapist. Just please make sure to read it all before you make snap judgements, please please please. 

Note: On a happier note........ that header? Very very VERY hot.......

Quirk: Bunny

- Bakugou's POV -

I stared at the pharmaceutical bottle of sleeping drugs in my hand, wondering if I was seriously going to go through with my crazy plan. I shouldn't, and almost every part of me was screaming at me telling me to stop but I could barely control myself. I had been lusting after her for months, but now I felt as though I might actually be in love with her.

My stepsister, (y/n) (l/n), was the sexiest girl I had ever seen, and almost every night I ended up masturbating to the thought of her. It was bad and I knew it, it was something forbidden but I couldn't stop myself. Technically she's not related to me... so it's fine, right?

Or at least that's what I tried to convince myself every night after I had thought about her sucking me off. I gripped onto the bottle of sleeping drugs, whilst banging my head against my desk, knowing I couldn't go through with it.

A sudden knock on the door caught me off guard, and I shoved the pills immediately in my desk drawer as my bedroom door opened to reveal (y/n) standing there in my favourite pyjama bra that she wore, along with a pair of my sweatpants. "Mitsuki says dinners ready," she said sweetly. "Aw, why are you blushing? Did a cute girl text you?" She teased and I realised then that my cheeks felt hot.

"Mind your own damn business! And why the hell are you wearing my clothes?" I demanded, standing abruptly with my fists clenched.

"They're comfy! Anyway, hurry up," she said, skipping away from my door and down the hall. As I stepped out of my room I caught sight of her fluffy white bunny tail. That was another irritating thing about her - her bunny quirk made her ten times sexier then she would be without it. I let out a sigh, trying to regain composure before heading downstairs to have dinner.

"Katsuki, can you help me with my homework tonight? I'm stuck on some of the questions, why does maths have to be so hard?" (y/n) said whilst we ate dinner.

"Maybe you're just dumb," I scoffed, earning me a kick under the table from the old hag. "HEY!"

"C'mon Katsuki, please?" (y/n) begged beside me and I rolled my eyes.

"Fine, but only for a little while! I've got my own shit to do," I growled.

"Thanks Katsu! You're a great help," she nudged my shoulder but I simply let out a 'tch' under my breath before focussing on my food. Later that evening I was in my room once again, the pharmaceutical bottle in hand. One half of my brain was screaming at me to stop, but the other half was almost egging me on. 'It's not as if I'd go all the way with her... but that doesn't make it any better,' I scowled to myself. A knock on my door made me jump, and (y/n)'s angelic voice soon followed. "I'm ready when you are, Katsu!"

"Fine!" I shouted back. Without thinking about it, I took one of the small pills from the bottle and went over to her room. We spent a while actually doing the homework, me unable to hold back my shouts whenever she got a question wrong. She would always just smile and laugh whenever I shouted though, which conflicted me as one part of me was angry at the action but another part of me just wanted to hear her laugh again.

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