17: She's Not Gone

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Warning! Prepare for some angst! There's ever so slight hints at rape, but it's 'blink and you'll miss it'. But don't worry, there's a happy ending.

Requested by: something12345678hi

Quirk: Cat

- (y/n)'s POV -

I awoke in a cold dark room, my head pounding and my limbs aching. My mind was foggy, trying to remember what had happened to me and my my body hurt so much. I remembered hearing a cracking, and then a loud explosion, followed by Katsuki screaming at me to get out of the way... Katsuki...

I sat up immediately, thinking about my boyfriend and remembering the situation we were in: fighting a large group of skilled villains in Kamino Ward shopping centre. My boyfriend and I were busy fighting, as we were both heroes, but suddenly a loud cracking sound cause us to both look up. The area of the mall we were fighting in was already crumbling, and the balcony above me began to give way.

Just as it fell, Katsuki aimed an explosion at it to blow it up into smaller pieces so that I didn't get crushed, however somewhere between the large slab falling and Katsuki's loud explosion, I was taken from the scene. Tied, handcuffed, blindfolded and gagged, I was shoved into the back of a van and driven away to an unknown location. Panic began to rise in me, as I took a moment to have a look at my surroundings.

I was in a small box shaped room with grey stone walls and a thick metal door which had a small barred window. I was sat on a mattress with scratchy sheets, and the only form of light in the room came from a small wall light. Out of instinct I began to worry about Katsuki, hoping desperately that he was alright. I had no idea what time it was, if it was daytime, or how long ago the whole incident was.

Naively I jumped up and attempted to open the metal door but of course it wouldn't budge. I peeked through the barred window in the door to see a murky corridor with low lights. It was then that I heard movement; footsteps approaching my prison.

I stepped back from the door it slight shock, as the door clunked open to reveal the flame villain Dabi. He ignited his left palm and smirked, happy that he elicited a small sense of fear from me. "You're finally awake," he said deeply.

"Where's Katsuki?" I asked immediately, caring more about his safety then my own.

"Oh, we didn't want him. He proved to us a long time ago that he wouldn't become a hero. I guess you could say this is the long awaited payback," he told me.

"So is this the entire League? Or just you?" I kept my cool, despite him stepping closer and closer to me. He kept his mouth shut, but a recognisable high-pitched squeal answered me.

"It's the whole League, silly!" Toga bounced in front of Dabi wearing her sadistic smile. "I've not seen your cute face in so long! I can't wait to cut you!"

"Step aside, pest," Dabi growled at Toga who scoffed. "She's gonna be mine."

"What are you gonna do, just keep me down here until I find a way to escape?" I asked mockingly but this made Dabi laugh.

"Oh sweetheart, we'll be keeping you here, sure, but soon you won't wanna leave. Toga, give us some space, will you?" Dabi said, stepping inside my cell and slamming the door shut behind him. I had a feeling I knew what was coming as his tall body loomed over mine, him wearing an intimidating smirk.

- Bakugou's POV -

I was in one of the police interrogation rooms, trying to calm down but not doing a very good job of it. My eyes were red and puffy from the amount of tears I had shed and I was practically pulling my hair out in both anger and worry.

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