34: Brother Versus Boyfriend

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Requested by: sondercoyfish

Quirk: Ice

 I straddled my boyfriends lap, our lips against each others as we kissed passionately. He ran one hand through my red and white ombre hair, and used the other to pull me closer so my body was pressed right up against his. I clutched onto his black tank top, our tongues clashing against each others in a desperate want. I felt his hand move around my body, landing on my breast making me squeak. "Katsuki," I couldn't help but moan as he massaged it bravely. We had only been together two weeks, so the furthest we had gone was simply making out on either his or my bed.

My name was (y/n) Todoroki, and I was the twin sister to Shoto. My brother and my boyfriend hated each other, so I was frankly terrified about announcing our relationship. Katsuki wanted to yell it from the rooftops without caring who heard, but I on the other hand was cautious. Naturally I wanted to tell people, but Shoto was always so protective of me, and that stemmed from our childhood together.

As twins, we had more of a special bond than usual siblings, although we didn't inherit the exact same quirk. I could produce ice easily, but in terms of fire I could only produce a small flame on the tip of my finger, as though it were a match. Because of this I was shunned by Endeavour, as he focussed all his attention on Shoto. Naturally however I was protective of my twin, and when I saw the way he was being treated I attempted to shield him from harm, and that only earned me burn scars on my arm as our father threw me out of the way.

This caused Shoto to become more and more protective of me, and during middle school (when his attitude darkened) he became a little possessive which resulted in me not having too many friends. I didn't necessarily mind though, we had each other and that's what mattered.

Now though, I was scared that that protectiveness was going to damage the relationship between Katsuki and me. The day I confessed to Katsuki was one of the scariest of my life, as I was terrified he'd say no simply because of Shoto.

- Flashback -

'I can do this, I can do this' I repeated to myself as I walked through Heights Alliance towards Bakugou's room. I had had a crush on him since the school festival in first year, when he impressed me with his musical skills. I was bewitched by him, and found his angry shouting to be part of his charm rather than annoying. He still said the odd horrible statement, but it was a lot less annoying now and everyone just took his words in jest. I often found them quite funny.

I stood outside his room, thinking about how I would ask him but hesitating at the same time, given the fact he and my brother practically hated each other. It was highly possible he'd turn me down because I was Shoto's twin. Did I look too much like Shoto for Bakugou to be attracted to me? We had similar hair in terms of it being half red and half white, the difference being that my tips were red, the rest being white, and it was more ombre than a clean cut difference. I did have the same heterochromatic eyes as my brother though, the same face shape, I was of a similar height... was I too much like him for Bakugou to be attracted to me?

I raised my fist to the door, but hesitated. My feelings for him had been building up over time to the point where if I kept them in any longer, than I felt as though I'd explode. So, with all the confidence I could muster, I knocked on the door.

"What- huh? Todoroki?" Bakugou seemed confused at my presence. That was another thing, he gave almost everyone a strange nickname, even my brother who was Icy-Hot, but with me he called me by our name.

"H-hey... I- er-,"

"What?" He asked gruffly, folding his arms and seeming irritated.

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