Bonus - Kirishima as a Cat

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Note: In the oneshot '49: Girl Troubles' there's a mention of Kirishima having to live in his pet cats body for the day. A fair few people requested for me to write what happened to Kiri in his cats body, so here's a short bonus on what happened. Here is Kiri as a cat.

- Kirishima's POV -

My five year old sister had just gotten back from her doctors appointment, learning more about her quirk. I was sat up in my room studying hard for the UA entrance exams, determined to get into the prestigious school and continue with my dream of becoming the most manly hero of all time. "Eijirou!" Sumire called out to me, bursting through my door.

"Sis, I'm trying to study," I told her but she just shrugged it off.

"Wanna see my quirk?" She exclaimed, so obviously happy. I sighed knowing that she wouldn't give up unless I said 'yes'.

"Sure," I smiled and she jumped up and down excitedly.

"Okay!" She beamed, and tried to activate it but nothing happened. I waited patiently, but she got more and more frustrated as she couldn't do it. "Why isn't it working! It worked at the doctors!" She complained.

"You probably haven't managed to get full control of it yet-,"

"Yes I have!" She exclaimed angrily, stomping her foot to the ground. To my surprise, beams of white light shot out from under her foot and lit up my room, spiralling off in random directions. One of the beams headed straight towards me and hit me in the chest, yet I didn't feel any pain. Thankfully the beams were almost like ghosts as they hit the walls of my room, not breaking anything. Our cat that was curled up on my bed hissed loudly as one of the beams hit him, and he immediately jumped up and ran out of the room.

"Wow... that was interesting," I admitted. "What do they do?"

"I dunno, something to do with switching stuff," she shrugged nonchalantly. "But isn't it pretty!"

"Very pretty," I praised her, ruffling her hair as she giggled playfully,

"Sumire, leave your brother alone, he has to study!" Mum called out, entering my room. Sumire simply scoffed and ran out of my room, waving at me as she went. After a while of studying I felt myself begin to get a bit drowsy, and realised that I had been studying for five hours straight.

"I need a nap," I mumbled to myself, heading to my bed and collapsing on it in a tired heap. It wasn't long after a closed my eyes that sleep consumed me.

- Timeskip -

I let out a yawn as I woke up, my eyes fluttering open but I was confused - I was now downstairs, laid on a cushion and the armchair in front of me seemed oddly bigger. I moved a little, attempting to get up but that was when I realised something was wrong. I looked down and shrieked loudly when I saw black cat paws instead of my arms. I looked back and the rest of my body was indeed a black cat.

My scream echoed through the house as I jumped up, higher than I ever had before and landing on the armchair. "Eijirou?!" Mums shouting sounded as she ran into the living room, which was where I realised I was.

"M-mum!" I attempted to call out to her but all that came from my mouth was meows. My eyes widened wondering what the hell was going on and why I was in a cats body. I continued attempting to call for my mums attention but it didn't work, she was so clearly confused wondering where my screams had come from. We suddenly heard a loud thud and some whimpers. The two of us ran into the hall and I saw my body on the floor, shaking its head and whimpering.

"Eijirou! What happened?" Mum ran up to my body but it just looked up at her. Everything was so surreal - I had no idea what was happening or how it had happened. My heart was beating erratically, desperately trying to think of how I could tell my mum that that was not me. It was especially weird when my body cocked its head, apparently unable to talk and then stood on all fours and walked down the hall. 'What the hell is going on?!'

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