7: The Date

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Warning! This is a part two to 6: Forced To Be a Villain, so please read that first before you read this! Also this one is cliché as hell, so be prepared for that.

Quirk: Hair Manipulation

- Bakugou's POV -

I stared at her number she had saved in my phone. It was two days until the date with her. I wanted to do something special for her, after all, it seems too cliché just to go to the cinema. Plus, it's not a very sociable date. I stared at her number for a few minutes, my thumb hovering over the call button when suddenly my thoughts were interrupted.

"KATSUKI!" The old hag's voice rang through the house.


"YOU HAVE A VISITOR!" She screamed out. I scoffed and rolled off of my bed, walking downstairs to see Kirishima standing in the door, waving.

"What the hell are you doing here, spiky-hair?" I scoffed.

"I came to see if you were alright!" He beamed but I simply rolled my eyes.

"I'm fine idiot, I can take care of myself," I growled but invited him in none-the-less. He followed me upstairs to my room, me slamming the door shut behind us.

"So it's the big date this Saturday, huh?" I heard him say. 'I knew he'd have an ulterior motive for coming here,' I hissed to myself. I clenched my fists and stiffened up a bit.

"Yeah, so?" I shouted.

"Do you know what you're planning for her?" He asked, apparently very invested in this.

"Why do you care?" I growled.

"Aw c'mon, I want it to go well for you dude!" He beamed his annoying smile again. I sighed.

"I don't know what to do. We were gonna go to the cinema but that's just too cliché," I finally admitted, knowing I could probably talk to the spiky-haired idiot about this kind of thing without being ridiculed.

"Hmm... you're probably right there. Lets see if there's anything going on this weekend that you could take her to," He said, pulling out his phone. After only a few minutes of scrolling he stood up excitedly, pointing to his phone. "This would be perfect!"

"What, dumbass?" I growled.

"An outside cinema! There's an outdoor cinema festival this weekend, Friday to Sunday, you should so totally take her! It's more inventive then just a regular cinema, plus it's easier to relax and talk, you could make her a picnic-,"

"Alright dumbass, calm down!" I shouted. I snatched his phone from him and scrolled through the festivals website. I had heard about this before and it was quite popular but I was never bothered about going. "You think... you think she'd like this?"

"Dude I barely know her, and realistically neither do you, but it's an adorable idea for a first date!" He said excitedly and I rolled my eyes.It was true, realistically I didn't know that much about her, which is why I wanted a date where we could actually talk to one another without being interrupted. Kirishima apparently read my mind, as he then said "it'll be casual, you'll be able to talk to her throughout the film and get to know her more."

"Pfft..." I turned my attention back to his phone, internally deciding that this was actually a good idea but I refused to give him the satisfaction. "Fine," I said simply.

"You're welcome, man!" He put his thumbs up and I rolled my eyes, collapsing onto my bed. I rang and booked a space for (y/n) and me, hoping she'd like the idea. "Don't tell her what you have planned though! Girls love a good surprise. Just tell her to meet you somewhere, then you can walk there together!"

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