49: Girl Troubles

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Note: Not gonna lie, writing this one was difficult... I'm also not sure it's up to my usual standards so apologies about that. And Bakugou may be a little out of character...

Requested by: akaaaaaaashiiii

Quirk: Hair Manipulation

 The sun peeking through the curtain in my room caused me to wake up, however something felt different. My body felt oddly different, and I wasn't sure how. I opened my eyes, my vision hazy at first however I realised merely seconds later that I was not in my bedroom. I sat up straight, looking around the room and not recognising it at all. It was a similar layout to my dorm room, so had I just crashed in someone's room last night?

No, I would've remembered, plus there was no one else in the room. That was when I realised something, something quite drastic. I looked down and almost screamed when I saw a mans body instead of my own. I jumped up, seeing boxers and feeling what they were confining. I blushed brightly, and what was worse was when I ran to the nearest mirror, I saw the face of my crush staring back at me.

I screamed again, not having a clue what was going on but realising that I was somehow in his body. I began to stress a little, instinctively clinging onto my- his hair. My heart - which I supposed was his - was beating at a million miles per hour. I had no idea how to react or what to do, but it was then that I realised I was still staring at his body in the mirror.

I dived back under the covers of the bed, trying hard to figure out what was going on. I remember being at Kiri's home last night as we had a gaming night at his house, inviting the rest of our squad along too. I remember his sister being annoyed that she couldn't join, but Kiri assured her it was only because there weren't enough joy-cons. She seemed to suddenly glow and she stomped her foot down, several beams of light radiating from her and hitting the walls. One of them however hit my body, although I didn't feel any pain whatsoever.

At the time I had no idea what effects her quirk would end up being, but now it seems as though it was something to do with body swapping. 'Wait... oh no, don't tell me that he's in my-,'

"Bro! You okay? I heard you screaming?" Kiri's voice shouted through the bedroom door. Immediately I got up, desperately hoping he knew how to fix this before Bakugou woke up in my body. I sprinted towards the door and opened it up before I could think, seeing Kiri standing there. "Whoa, dude!" He averted his eyes immediately and I... Bakugou... was still only in boxers.

"S-sorry," I stuttered, pulling a dressing gown from the back of the door and slipping it on. Kiri sent me a funny look, wondering why Bakugou would not only stutter, but apologise. "Kiri I need your help!" I pulled him into the room.

"Bakubro, what's gotten into you?"

"It's me! I-I mean it's (y/n)- I don't know what happened Kiri but how the hell am I in Bakugou's body?" I exclaimed, it being so strange to hear my voice so low.

"Holy crap... did you get hit with my sisters quirk?" Kiri asked and I nodded. "Bakubro must've been hit too, he's probably in your body."

"N-no! He can't, n-no, you have to reverse this!" I yelped, terrified at the thought of my crush waking up in my body and seeing it like I had just seen his.

"I can't reverse it! And my sister doesn't know how to either, she once swapped me with our cat... that was a very interesting day-,"

"KIRI! HELP ME!" I practically screamed, grabbing ahold of his arms and shaking him.

"I told you, I can't do anything! It wears off after twenty-four hours anyway-,"

"TWENTY-FOUR HOURS?!" I screeched, my heart racing. "I can't stay like this for twenty-four hours! Bakugou can't be in my body for twenty-four hours, he'll- he'll see me naked! A-and what if- what- oh my god Kiri!" I went into full panic mode, thinking of all the things that could happen during the day. What would happen when we needed to go to the toilet? When we had to shower? When we needed to go downstairs for food? Should we see each other like this? However I then realised something that was much worse than all of those combined.

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