chapter 1

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Here we are. 

Another year at Hogwarts.

Crummy old and smelly Hogwarts.

A school that was meant for the elite witches and wizards only. Not some half-blood, muggle-born weirdos.

At least I was close to being done. I didn't have to worry about being inside that place for much longer. My eldest sister, Abigail, was the lucky one. She graduated two years ago but since then has been banned and stripped of the family name for falling in love with a muggle-born wizard and marrying him.

My second eldest sister Eleanora, on the other hand, was beginning her last year. What I would wish to be done with the pathetic excuse for a school. I was starting my 6th year and as my sister told me a few weeks ago it was one of the hardest years academic-wise. While I didn't mind, I wanted to have fun but I was always monitored by my parents. Especially by my Father for some reason. When I told them during my 2nd year that I joined the quidditch team. My Father quickly told me to quit as it was too dangerous for a girl to be playing that game, so I did so, retiring my broom well before I even got to step on the pitch as a chaser.

My younger sisters followed right behind us. Rebecca who was a fourth-year with the famous Harry Potter and my baby sister, Mary Ann who was a first-year this year and was absolutely petrified. I mean who could blame her. Rebecca was trying to scare her away, which ended up causing her to sleep in my room for a whole week. She was so scared that muggle-borns and half-blood were vicious people who would try to curse or hex her at every chance while also telling her that she wouldn't be sorted into Slytherin like the rest of us and be forced to be an outcast forever. I swear Rebecca talks way too much to Draco Malfoy and that little group of disgusting friends.

I guess you can already tell what house I am in. You see, I come from a long line of Slythine pure-blood witches and wizards. The kind that thinks Hogwarts is only suited for the pure-blood families and no others. No outsiders should be let in so we can live our lives the way we are meant to. In all honestly, sometimes I go along with what I have been told to believe in, but if we didn't have half-bloods or muggle-borns running around the place Hogwarts just wouldn't be that much fun. As my grandpa used to say:

"Give who blood trading, muggle freaks a kick in the ass for me."

He's been dead for a while now. It's no biggie.

From a young age, I was taught that anyone and everyone but pure-bloods were below us. But if they were purebloods who didn't believe the way my family did,  they were traitors. They did not belong to going to a school with witches and wizards like myself but I never saw the problem.

My family and I had made our way to Flourish and Blotts, the most prestigious place to buy all the new books you would need for the beginning of the school year. Most families purchase their books from here. The others have to get them used already. Pathetic really. My Father was already disgusted by the number of muggle-borns and half-bloods that were filling our streets as I followed closely behind him.

Once I stepped foot inside the store I broke off from my family, heading my way over to the Dark Arts section. I roamed the aisles along the way grabbing the books I needed for my semester, taking in the sweet smell of the new books being cracked open by the unworthy as the store filling up with blood traitors, half-blood, and muggle-borns. 

Halfway across the store, I could practically hear my parents talking to the Malfoys'. As I looked up towards the second floor, I saw my sister Rebecca and Draco Malfoy looking down at everyone as they walked around the store. Just a few aisles over I could hear Eleanora helping Mary Ann get all the books she would need.

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