chapter 2

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Everyone had been back at Hogwarts for almost a week now. A long dreadful and painful week.

The halls filled with muggle-born and half-bloods as I made my way to my first class of the new term. On the first night back the last Whittle was sorting into the Slytherin house completing the Whittle pure legacy. Eleanora immediately wrote to mother and father telling them of the good news while Mary Ann got settling in with the girls she would know for the rest of her time at Hogwarts. Lucky all those in her year that got sorted into were pure-bloods. 

On the other hand, it was Friday which meant there was a party tonight. Even more of a reason to be excited that the dreadful week was coming to an end.

My best friend Emily Hugo and I made our way to Charms class on Friday afternoon. Emily was one of the three pure-blood girls in my year. The other three were half-bloods. While we didn't mind having to share a dorm with them but we didn't dare to become friends with them. But deep down I wanted to become friends with them but the stupid pure-blood legacy got in the way. You should have seen my father when he heard I was sharing a room with half-bloods. He was livid. Luckily when I hit my fifth year I became a prefect and I now have my own dorm room in our gorgeous dungeons.

As Emily and I entered the classroom, for our History of Magic class, we made our way to find our seats. Sitting with Adrian Pucey and Graham Montague. Two pure-blood Slytherin boys who were in our year. Both of them on the Quidditch team and both of them trying to get into Emily and I's pants. Flattering really. But as much as we loved to flirt with them we would never actually do anything with them under the covers.

As the four of us conversed in casual conversation I saw the glimpse of Fred Weasley walk into the classroom. His twin brother, George, following close behind as they loudly made their way to their seats. For some reason, my eyes never leaving Fred as I watched him. Mesmerizing his body as I had watched him pass me in the halls every now and then this past week.

Watching as he ran his finger through his hair red locks as his brother whispered something to him, causing him to look over in my direction. As soon as our eyes met I quickly looked away. Swallowing the lump in my throat that had grown since he walked in. Turning my attention back to Adrian, Graham, and Emily.

"So Charlotte are you coming to the party tonight?" Adrian asked.

"Wouldn't you love to see me there," I sassed back.

"I would actually," He flirted.

"Depends, Emily are you going?" I asked as I turned my head towards her. Alright knowing the answer. We never miss a time to party.

"Of course," She boasted. 

"Then I will see you all there," I said before turning around in my seat to face the front of the room. Opening my book as I took my quill out. Ready to get started at Professor Flitwick came walking into the classroom. As he began his lesson. I felt as if there was a pair of eyes on me. Watching me. I turned my head a little to see Fred starring at me. Staring straight at him as his eyes traveled over my body. Meeting my eyes as he was leaned over his desk. His fingers fiddling with his quill in his fingers before I looked back at him. Noticing that there was a smirk on his stupid little face. Slowly turning my attention back to Professor Flitwick. 


Later that night Emily and I were getting ready for the party as Mary Ann sat in my room telling me all about her first week. She was ecstatic and loving every minute of being here. While she said she conversed mostly with half-bloods of muggle-borns she didn't find them that that bad. I reminded her to keep to herself. She knows the consequences of being caught mingling with others. 

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