chapter 57

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Fred's POV

As soon as I was taken back home the Death Eaters who held my family hostage let them go. Everyone was shaken up and scared. I mean who could blame them we had just been attacked yesterday during the reception and then I was kidnapped, killed, and brought back to life. Part of me felt off and I wanted to hide away from the world. Dad, Charlie, and Bill stood on guard until they were gone while I climbed up to my room, feeling every nerve in my body scream out in pain as I climbed up the staircase. I could hear someone following me but I wasn't in the mood for talking or being with anyone. I was angry. 

I pushed the door to my bedroom open and slammed it close. I looked around my room as I balled my hands into fists. I needed to sleep. I just needed to forget and think that Lottie was okay. I walked over to my dresser and grabbed out a pair of pajama pants to sleep in but right when I closed the dresser I just began to cry. The tears flowed down my cheek as my breathing became up steady. My chest tightened up as my vision became blurry with tears. I punched my dresser a few times before I dropped to the ground and screamed out as I dropped my head into my head as they began to tremble.

"Freddie," I heard Mum say as she fell to my side, "what's wrong?"

"He killed me," I breathed.

"What?" She asked rubbing my back.

"Voldemort he killed me," I said again.

"That's not possible because you are here."

"Lottie, she can save people, bring them back from the dead. Now Voldemort has her and she doesn't have anyone to protect her. I'm supposed to protect her," I sobbed.

"Freddie, my boy, you are protecting her by being here," She said cupping my face in her hands as she whipped away my tears, "she is a strong and brave girl who can do anything. What you can do is be strong for her now so you are later on."

Lottie's POV

It was cold and it was dark as my body woke up. My throat was still sore from all the screaming and crying I had done over the past couple of days and I could feel how puffy and dry my eyes were as I pushed myself up off the group. My arms felt weak as I began to straighten them out which only made them begin to shake as I managed to get myself onto my knees. I had eaten in days and I felt sick. I cried for food but none one answered. The only think I had to live off of where my salty tears that ran down my cheeks. Unable to sit up on my own I pressed my now boney back to the cold cement wall as I wrapped my legs into my chest to stop the sensation of wanting to throw up. 

I lifted my head up to the window that had to be no higher than eight feet in the air and watched as the sunlight began to shine through it, making one spot in the room bright and vibrant. I slowly began to move my cold weak body over to the patch of sunlight to keep me warm. 

As I sat there in the sun I began to cry more. I wanted out. I wanted to be free. I wanted to sleep in my bed instead of on this cold floor. I wanted to eat one of Molly Weasleys' meals and sit on Fred's couch as we watched a movie. I wanted to run through the fields and swim in a body of water. I wanted to be anywhere, just far way from here.

I buried my head into my knees to keep my sobs quiet as I heard the door open. I want too weak to get up and try to make a run for it and I couldn't even use any strength to draw upon my powers. But a loud clang echoed through the room as I looked over and saw a cup of water and a small loaf of bread laying on a small metal plate. 

"The Lord says you get to eat today, enjoy," A dark voice said before the door was slammed close and locked again. I looked at the plate at my stomach growled out of hungry. I didn't want to moved to get it as I tried to focus on the bread to make it come towards me, but all it would do was hover over the plate for a moment and then fall. I was weak. I was done. How was I ever supposed to get out of here with out my strength and powers. Charles was right, I am just useless and worthless.

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