chapter 10

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A few days later my mind was still flooded with the thought of Fred. Every time I closed my eyes all I pictures was him pleasing me, touching me, and caving into him. His touch lingered on my body as I spent night after night being restless. Tossing and turning in my bed as could feel his presence towering over me. Making me feel weak with his movement. I even tried to help myself to the thought of him but I couldn't do myself the justice. It didn't feel the same. It never did. I needed him again. He was poisonous venom in my veins yet I wanted him, even more, this time.

It was a crisp warm afternoon when Emily and I were on our way to study in the courtyard before we had to go to History of Magic. The boys had finally left us alone as they were heading to Herbology. She was rambling on about how they scared off some first years on their way to Care of Magical Creatures this morning, while I was in Arithmancy. Saying all how McGonagall ended up chewing them out afterwards.

I was looking straight ahead as we continued walking, watching as I saw Fred come walking around the corner with the rest of the quidditch team behind him. They must be heading to practice. All of them bantering with each other while Emily and I continued to make our way towards the courtyard. Both Fred and I's eyes meeting each other as our bodies grew closer. The distance in the hallway become shorter and shorter as we both kept on our paths.

Watching his body strutting through halls as he looked like a knight striding through the castle on his way to save the princess. His broad shoulder set back as he walked a bit further ahead than the rest of the group with his brother George, gripping strongly onto his broomstick in one hand and his beating stick in his other. Merlin, I couldn't keep my eyes off of him. Watching his finger tighten ever so slightly around the broomstick. Sending my mind into orbit thinking about the night he had me pinned on the library desk. Working his magic inside me. Making me want to scream out his name. His hair dripping with sweat as I could tell that they were coming back from Quidditch practice.

As the distance shortened between us I felt my breathing become shaky for just a moment as I heard Emily continued to nag in my ear. My eyes locked on his body as he passed by. Feeling his shoulder bump into mine forced me to turn around a little and look back at him. Watching him as he walked away. Watching the distance between us grow longer again. Our eyes glancing at each other one last time before I was the first one to look away. Turning my attention back to Emily who was now looking at me with a little smile on her face.

"What?" I asked as I pulled my book tighter to my chest. Letting the force of Fred and I bumping together still course throughout my body.

"Um, the sexual tension between you two is as strong as the gravitation pull on our plant," She began to giggle as she looked away from me

"What?" I asked, tearing off from her as I entered the courtyard. Making my way over to one of the benches that were still open.

"You know like the thing that keeps our feet on the ground," She practically shouted as she came running after me a bit.

"Oh yeah right," I said as I shook my head.

"I am serious Lot, anyone and everyone could have cut the sexual tension between you two with a knife."

"I have no idea what you are talking about," I lied as I hope she wouldn't catch on and she would just leave the subject alone.

I think we ended up spending our entire break out in the courtyard before the boys came to pick us up for History of Magic. A class we all normally dreaded but today I was excited. We were learning about the Witch Trials of 1692, better yet know as the Salem Witch Trials to the muggles.

The four of us made our way into the classroom and walked over to our seats. My eyes catching Fred as he sat there with his brother. Emily wanted to sit towards the front so of course, she picked the set of desks that was next to Fred Weasley. Putting me on the outskirts so the only thing separating him and I was the aisle. A few moments later Professor Binns came flying into the classroom. Sweeping towards the front as he took a seat in his chair behind his desk.

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