chapter 53

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A few weeks had passed since Fred visited me for my birthday and as we agreed on he started to come and stay the night with me on Wednesday nights. He would bring us dinner and we would sit on my bed and just talk for hours and hours on end. It was lovely and it almost felt like we were back at Hogwarts sneaking around from his dorm to mine. While some nights I was nervous about my Father walking in, those thoughts were soon gone when I was in the presence of Fred.  

On nights that Fred wasn't with me. I spent it learning more from Agatha. Finally learning how to move things with my mind, shot out spells from my hands, and control them without letting my emotions get the best of me. All I had to do when the time came to show the Dark Lord was to not let him win and overpower me. To let myself stay in control.

As the meetings went on and I had to attend more Death Eater meetings there were times I was taken into a room and told to battle with someone but I wouldn't give in. I couldn't. So I stood there defenseless and weak, acting as if the only power I knew was bringing those back to life. But I paid the price for it. I had bumps, cuts, and bruises all along my body. Every time we came home my body was screaming in pain as my Mum tended to my wounds, trying to make them feel better and trying to hide all the visible ones from Fred.


As I was making my way down to the library to find a book to read that I hadn't read before my Father stopped me. I quickly hid my hands behind my back.

"Go back to your room and get ready," He stated.

"For what?" I asked.

"The meeting of course or have you forgotten who you are working for."

"No Father, I haven't," I said as I hung my head. I turned on my heels and headed straight for my room to change. I walked over to my closet and pulled out what I wore last time. I quickly slipped into it before I grabbed my robe and put my shoes on. I looked in the mirror to make sure I looked presentable as my Father would shame me for it. I slipped Fred's ring off and walked over to my desk, setting it inside one of the drawers to keep it safe while I was gone. Without wasting any more time I made my way back downstairs and to his office where I knew he would be waiting. I knocked on the door before entering and made my way in. He was standing in the middle of the room waiting for me as the door closed behind me.

"Remember do not speak unless spoken to," He said as I stood in front of him. His eyes looking over at me as they meet mine, "did you break up with the blood traitor?"

"Yes Father," I said.


Then we were gone. Back at the same place, we were last time. I followed behind after my Father as he had already started walking away. We walked around a few corners until we were in one big room. A long table filled with people who were not there the last time I was here. I wanted to turn around a leave but I couldn't. My feet carried me along behind my Father and he went and sat down and I followed. I sat there quietly as I did not want to converse with any of these people let alone be here. To them I was going to be the one to help them bring down Harry Potter, there was no way I would let that happen.

It seemed to me that we were sitting there forever while we waited. Once the door opened, everyone fell silent as he came walking in, taking a seat at the head of the table. Every inch of my body began to shake. I was not cut out for this. I shouldn't be here. As the meeting went on I could hear everyone around me talking, drowning out the noise as I pictured I was somewhere else, far away from here. But nothing was working.

"Charlotte," I heard my Father say, pulling me out of my trance as I over at him, "it's time. Show the Dark Lord your abilities."

I was trembling with fear as I stood up out of my chair and moved to the end of the table, standing in front of everyone as I took my robe off, letting it fall to the floor. Everyone staring at me as I looked straight back down at the floor.

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