chapter 43

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On the weekends Fred and George didn't have the shop open. They use the time to send out owl packages and restock the shelves for the new week. So on Saturday Emily and I helped clean the shop while Fred and George were busy off packaging orders. Every now and then I would find. myself in the same aisle as Fred. At first, we would have some playful banter but it quickly turned into us not being able to keep our hands off of each other. Most of the time I had my legs wrapped around his hips as my back was pressed into a shelf and our lips were moving all over each other. We eventually had to stay away from each other or there would be a broken shelf soon.

Towards the end of the day, Emily and I were sitting on the counter at the front of the store while Fred and George were finishing up for the day. Both of us were snacking on some treats she had brought from work. Of course, we were gossiping about our relationships with each other and laughing harder when we found out Fred and George acted the same ways. While we were mid laughter we heard the office door open. We turned our attention to see who was walking out, hoping that they were finally done for the day so we could go upstairs and have our movie night. But it was just George and he looked frustrated as he ran his fingers through his hair.

"How's it going?" I asked as he walked over to Emily, resting his head on her shoulders as he stole a few snacks from us. Emily started smacking his hand and he tickled her to stop, while her laughter ran out through the shop. I smiled to myself as I threw a few more jelly beans into my mouth as I watched how happy and comfortable she was with him.

"We are almost done. It just a lot and now we have to put in an order for more product which that's what Fred is doing," George said as he finally won, "anyways, Lee is coming over tonight to join our movie night. He offered to buy us all pizza. Are you girls okay with that?"

"Yes, my love," Emily smiled as she leaned back into Georges's arms.

"Same here, without the love part," I giggled.

"I would hope so," George chuckled before he placed a kiss on Emily's cheek, "hey did you ladies take the box of decorations up to the attic by chance?"

"Oh shoot no we forgot," Emily said as she looked up at him.

"I can get it now while we wait for Freddie," I said hoping off the counter.

"You're a saint," George said as I picked up the box off the floor. 

"It's no biggie. I am happy to help," I said as I took off towards the staircase. 

"The door is a little sticky so you might have to kick it in," George's voice grew softer as I walked away.

"Got it!" I shouted as I made the trek up to the attic, carrying the large box with orange and purple decorations.

When I got to the door I grabbed the handle and twisted it open but it didn't budge. Just like George said the door was stuck a little bit so I kicked it open. As the door swung open I made my way into the room. I walked over to where there were a bunch of other boxes and set them down along with them. When I stood back up I stretched my back just a bit before I turned around to head back downstairs. That's when everything changed.

"Charlotte, you have finally decided to join us," My Fathers' voice rang through my head. My eyes shot over towards where I heard his voice but I didn't see anyone, "so sad that it took so long."

He stepped out of the dark corner in the room and made himself known to me. I instantly felt the panic in my body begin to rise. This isn't real. This isn't happening. He's not here.

"I was beginning to think you wouldn't join us for the show," He taunted as he walked towards me.

The show? What was he doing here? How did he know I was where? I looked down from his face and noticed that he was standing in front of someone. I moved my body to the side to see who it was and saw Fred's head hanging low as he was tied up again, sitting on his knees on the floor.

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