chapter 15

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It had been a week since our Slytherin beaters knocked Fred off his broom. After visiting him that same night I never went back. One night, one moment of weakness that was it. Yet every time I sat in class I waited for him to come walking in and he never did. Roaming the halls hoping that he would be alongside his brother, ready to pull a prank but it was only just the one. Hoping to see his face at morning breakfast to see him back on his feet. All she knew was he was still injured and would be for while. Every time she found herself alone she was thinking of Fred. 

It's like she was drowning in an ocean of the thought of him. Trying to swim to the top to escape the torture. But every thought made her sink further and further into the deep black sea. He was the only thing she needed to breathe yet it was suffocating her. Drowning her. Consuming her. Making her feel more alive than she ever had before. 


Emily and I had been pretty quiet since we walked into charms class. I was concentrating on our exam we were about to take while Emily was panicking. The both of us sitting down in our regular spot as she began to look over the materials on the test. Not like there was anything to look over. We have learned these spells already, where we were just showing Professor Flitwick that we could do the non-verbally now. 

We sat there in silence as we waiting for Professor Flitwick to come walking in. Then I heard it. His laugh. It almost made me perk up in my seat. Almost, more making me shooting my head toward the back of the classroom as I watched him walk in with his brother George by his side. My eyes following him as he and George walked to the other side of the classroom and sat directly across from me. 

My eyes gently scanning his body before meeting his glance. Our eyes locking as neither one of us dared to look away. A soft smile grew on my face as I was happy to see him on his feet. Almost back to normal. Just as Professor Flitwick walked into the classroom he shot me a flirty wink, making me roll my eyes in disgust as Flitwick passed in front of us.

"Alright, class, please take out your quills our exam will begin in just a few moments," He cheered as he made his way over to his desk. My eyes leaving Fred as I went to pick up my quill. Looking back over towards Fred as he was panicking. I mean who could blame him. He's been out a week with a concussion and he comes back to an exam which he will know nothing about. I watched as he raised his hand into the air.

"Yes, Mr. Weasley," Flitwick said as everyone looked over in his direction.

"Is it possible to get a pass on this exam? I have been out for the past week with a concussion," Fred asked as Flitwick looked his way.

"Yes, but you will need to make it up in the next few days," Flitwick said.

"Thank you, professor," Fred said as he got up and went to leave, becasue if you can't take an exam in class you have to leave. I watched him gather his things and walk out. Great, now I was going to have to help him study for this exam. I didn't have time to worry about that I had to worry about my exam right now.


Later that night I made my way to McGonagall's classroom to help Fred. Dreading helping him as we would probably be here for hours helping him study for this easy exam. I pulled the door open with all my strength and walked into the classroom. Hearing it close softly behind me as I made my way towards the front. The classroom was empty as I set my things down on the desk. I pulled out one of the chairs and took a set. Grabbing my Charms notes that I studied off of and set them out of Fred to go over. The exam was all about nonverbal spells. Easy to think about but harder to cast when you don't have a clear mind. It was only a few moments later when Fred came walking in. Making his way over towards me as I pulled the chair out next to me for him.

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