Cate Blanchett

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"Prepare a brief thesis for the theme of adultery in Scarlet Letter. You have ten minutes." Miss Blanchett ordered, getting up from her seating and expediting towards the door which was constantly getting knocked at from the past fifteen seconds.

My eyes followed the teacher as she gracefully opened the door and smiled at another of her kind. Fisting her cardigan, she brought the two separated fronts of it together-protruding and folded her arms over it, securing her midriff. Her smile hid her prolonged annoyance and swithering. With a glance at her class, or precisely at me, she stepped aside and welcomed the uninvited teacher in.

No one liked Mrs. Baker, that loathing leech adhered to every person who smiled at her. I've noticed she's been up on Miss Blanchett's ass ever since they sat together for lunch, once. To receive a little act of courtesy and the lady thinks she's entitled to narrate her sob story to everyone with ears.

This time the leech came with a little red box, my best guess would be chocolates from the smell-or from the delicate grip the knackered lady gave it. Intentionally, Miss Blanchett turned around so that she was facing me with no problem while the other stayed as she was, adjacent to her-and a little too close.

They talked animatedly a for few moments until the red tray was pushed against her chest and Miss Blanchett was encouraged to try it. She refused, out of courtesy, of course until the old hag insisted her until she was begging her to taste the sweets. Reluctantly, she picked a tiny spherical piece of brown colored chocolate and took a bite out of it. Miss Blanchett's hooded blue eyes met mine and stayed on mine until she'd finished every particle of that chocolate. Her tongue swept off her upper lips as she averted her gaze; I found that to be very seductive.

I leaned my elbow on my desk and my face on my palm and wondered how an angel could consort with such a wretch. Feeling my eyes never leaving her, she looked at me and gave me a discreet wink. I looked down, my cheeks filling with dark crimson while my unsteady fingers grabbed the edge of my desk, my sanity slipping away.

I was never good with secrets. Coming home from middle school, I'd used to narrate my entire day without leaving any detail to almost everyone-my driver, my parents, my other group of friends. To me, hiding something used to equate to lying and I hated being labeled a liar.

Now in high school, the circumstances have changed. I no more disclose secrets, I have a few of my own and they are way profound than the secrets I used to be trusted with in middle school. Having a crush as a kid does not in any way compare to having an affair with a teacher.

Miss Blanchett squinted her eyes at me, making it extra obvious to the other teacher too. She marched to my seat which was at the very back of the classroom. A firm palm pressed against my desk, while I pretended to be shocked by having been caught. "Have you completed what I just gave it to you?"

"No," I replied coldly, following her little act.

"Have you started it?" Deep voice echoed in my ear, traveling down to my heart where I secured it in.


"Stay after class. I hate being told no." She looked at me as if I were just another student of her class but I knew that behind her eyes was hidden the mischief and the rapture of thrill that I caused.

The bell rang, it was lunch hour now. The noisy teenagers rushed out as if they were huge waves of water bounded by the dam, now the barrier being broken, they ran towards it, desperate to be free. I stayed seated. I was that droplet of water that knew there was nothing for me on the other side.

Mrs. Baker invited her for lunch, of course, she would. Loneliness has made her desperate for a friend, but my woman denied her, probably using my undignified misfit self as an excuse. The older teacher gave me a dirty glance, muttering how students like me always hold up her class, and with a last tight smile, she finally left, her flat heels thumping on her way out.

Celebrity ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora