Taylor Swift

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Artist Of The Decade

I wanted to be there, to be able to congratulate her on receiving the most important award of her life. I wanted to be the first one to hug her and kiss her cheeks and see her smile. Tell her how kind she is and how big her heart it, and how she is the only one who deserves the award.

Being miles away from her, I couldn't do so.

For her, I took a week off from my job and flew to her. The phobia of flights didn't even occur to me as I was too in deep thinking about her. Meeting her after an entire month. Thirty days never seemed so much like an eternity before. Those days reminded me of how much she means to me and how difficult it is for me to stay from from her.

When I landed, my first thought was her. Of course, I wanted this to be a surprise. I did not tell her anything about planning a visit the last time we face called a day ago.

As soon as I exited the airport, my first call went to her manager, asking him about where she is staying. After writing the address on a napkin at some diner I was having my lunch at, I went straight to the hotel.

I never knew love could be so strong that it could make a person travel miles and miles just for a smile. Taylor made me do that. She pulled all the strings of my heart and gave a rhythm to the heartbeat. Just the thought of seeing her again ignited sparks in me and the butterflies appeared again after being gone for such a long time.

I felt alive.

The sound of the knock on her door wasn't even half as loud as my heart thumping in my chest, but it was audible to her. Hearing her footsteps from the other side of the door made me almost scream in anticipation.

The door opened and there she was. Probably having a day to herself in her sweats and unicorn slippers. She still looked beautiful as ever. Her eyes were wide in surprise and her red lips apart.

"Hi," as if a stranger, I waved at her with a small smile.

No response came from her. She just stood at her door, unable to take it in. And just then she crashed herself onto me and hugged me tighter than I imagined to be hugging her. Her lips pushed against my cheeks so hard as if I was going to disappear any second. Pulling back, I noticed the biggest smile on her face and her eyes teary.

"I'm here."

"I missed you so much." Sniffling, she pulled me inside.

"I'm sorry I couldn't attend your big evening." I sat on her bed and she sat beside me, our thighs touching.

"It's okay, all that matters is that you're here now." Taking my face in her hands, she kissing my kissed cheek once again. "God, how did I survive a month without you?"

"Next time, I'm going to take you along with me wherever I go." She kissed my forehead.

"And I'll go where you go, just following you like a puppy." I leaned forward to rest my forehead on hers.

"A cute little puppy."

"Congratulations, baby. I'm so proud of you." Pulling back, I wrapped my arm around her delicate neck, caressing it slowly. 

"I was dying to hear that from you," she whispered, her face closer to mine than ever.

"I watched that on tv you know, you looked so gorgeous I just wish I could hug you in front of everyone. And I loved the performance and the speech- thankfully you weren't interrupted this time." I said, wiping her tears.

"Thank you so much, darling. You mean so much to me. I can't imagine being what I am today if it wasn't for you guiding me. You're the one I dedicate that award to because you've helped me in so many ways and it's all I can do to express my gratitude."

"Taylor Swift, wanna know one thing?" I took her hand in mine.

"What is it?" She arched her eyebrow.

"You're not just the artist of the decade, to me, you're the artist of my life." I leaned in again and closed the gap between us. "I will always love you."

"I will love you too, forever and always."


haha, I'm sorry for updating so late. but I hoped you liked this. don't worry another update is coming up soon. i put too many references in this chapter lmao, try to get them.

also, I'm so proud of her. like she's literally the first woman ever to get that award?? 😭

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