Taylor Swift

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just look at photo n nothing else for a good second. that's the most gorgeous pic in this entire book.

Our Little Family

I heard the front door open and little squeals filled the entire house letting me know they were home. A smile immediately made it's way onto my lips as my little baby care into my sight. I knelt down and gently scooped her in my arms and buried my face in her hair.

"I missed you so much..." I inhaled in her natural baby scent that I missed so much. Her petite body almost melted in my arms and held onto my sweatshirt tightly.

"What about me?" Taylor set her purse down on the side table and smiled. Hearing her voice in real after almost a month made my eyes tear. I reluctantly let go of Amelia as the small child kissed my cheeks and plopped her baby ass down on the sofa. "I can't believe it's been a whole month, I really don't know how I survived without you," I admitted as she pulled me in a loving hug.

"And I can't believe how I didn't murder your boss for not letting you come with us."  She scoffed but looked at me with such passion in her eyes that it almost made me forget she was talking about committing a serious crime. "Hey, it's okay. All that matters now is that we're together again."

I led her inside so she could sit, knowing how tired she gets during her travel. Amelia was already at home, after being away from this place for an entire month. Taylor shooed away our daughter and told her to take a shower, I had to laugh because Amelia had attached herself to the sofa.

After a few minutes of trying to convince the six-year-old to bathe, she finally agreed. Taylor took her upstairs, telling me they would be back soon.

I decided to chill for some time and watch something to pass my time. The giddiness in the pit of my stomach was still there, just a little less strong now that I wasn't directly in Taylor's presence. It was crazy if I think about how I lasted a whole month without her and Amelia.

I think I sat there long enough for the girls to finish cleaning themselves. I saw Taylor coming down with a small smile on her face. She sat next to me with a little space between us. She turned her body towards me and propped up her feet on my lap, just like we usually do.

"So your little devil fell asleep as soon as her head hit the bed, she was almost snoring." She chuckled slightly as I started to rub her feet, knowing she loved it.

"And how's your mom?" I asked. Taylor had to leave to check up on her mother who seemed to be getting worse day by day. I wish I could've gone but after so long I was given to work on my own project with my own team and we had a limited time given by the client to complete it.

"The doctors have said that chemotherapy is helping and that she should continue it but mom is too stubborn to admit that cancer could possibly take away her life." Taylor sighed, the distress was clear in her voice. "But the good news is, there are chances of her recovery. It's just the process is long and it'll take time and test her patience and strength. But she's a fighter. I know that she won't say out loud that she's scared. She'll fight cancer."

"She'll win." I gave her a hopeful smile and saw her return it back to me but it was clear the worry and love she had for mom in her beautiful blue eyes.

"How's work?" She asked to change the subject.

"Work is good. We've completed the blueprints and talked with the builders, all there's left is a tall building standing up matching with the blueprint. I'll be mostly free now."

Taylor hummed and scooted over closer to me in the way that her feet went across my lap and were replaced by her thighs. I started rubbing her thighs too, not going too intimate because we just talked about her mother and I don't think she'd be in the mood.

"Did you miss me?" She muttered with her eyes closed. Nodding, I tapped her soft thighs. Realizing she couldn't see me, I murmured back a yes to her.

"Cause I sure as hell did," She took my hand and kissed each of my knuckles making my cheeks turn crimson red.

And suddenly, she was no more sitting beside me but straddling my lap. With one of her perfectly manicured fingers on my chest, she trailed it upwards, defining my collarbones with her finger. It went past the depression between my collarbones and rested on my neck. I gulped and my neck moved against her finger. My eyes were set on her as if she were a burning mansion and my hands held her steadily by her hips.

Taylor lifted her hands and removed her white tee. She shook her head to get adjusted to her hair tickling her all over her shoulders. She flipped and moved all her hair to one side and leaned down to give me a small kiss that left me wanting more. I leaned back so I could look at her properly. Her chest heaved up and down rapidly, covered by a black lacy bra.

"Here?" I asked but god, she didn't even let me take a breath after as her left hand got lost in my hair while she used the other to support herself by placing it firmly on my chest. She kissed me with so much hunger and passion, it made me forget about everything.

I moaned as she kissed my neck and continued to suck on the same spot. Knowing she'll leave a hickey there, and I won't have to worry about covering it up, I just enjoyed the moment.

"Momma? I'm hungry."

Taylor jolted away from me almost falling behind in the process. I had a minor heart attack too but I held onto her.

"Yeah, baby give me a sec," she said breathlessly, trying to find where she threw off her t-shirt.

She got off me and gave me a groan and I couldn't help but laugh. "Go, we'll finish this later."

I fixed myself and scurried off to the kitchen as it was almost time for dinner.


sorry, I'm the biggest cockblocker in the world. anyway please check out my other book please I'm desperate

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