Sophia Bush

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The Girl in Red

"Pineapple on pizza is a sin."

"I like my crust thick."

"Olives are disgusting."

"I never asked for any of your opinions on pizza!" I yelled in frustration. "Let's complete this assignment today and I'll order some pizza afterward, how's that sound?"

"I actually like pineapple on my pizza so order me a pineapple one, please," Daniel spoke.

"Perish you fool." Mike was quick to dismiss his opinion by a hand wave.

"After we finish doing this assignment, Dan." I glared at both of them.

"Okay fine mom."

"Hey, can we go out? I don't think I have the energy to stare at words and letters anymore. I need to calm my mind." Melissa, who had been awfully quiet since we got here, was the one to request.

"Yes, of course." Mike smoothly replied and stood up on his feet.

"Yes! Let's go! I'm so done with this." Melissa followed him out.

"Hey, girl. They are right. We need a break." Daniel held his arms out for me but I shrugged them off playfully.

"Whatever, pineapple on pizza is disgusting. So don't touch me."

We walked out together and hopped into the car. Melissa was the one driving while Dan and Mike were sitting at the back. Because of my pissed mood, they let me have my much-preferred passenger seat.

"Where are we going?" Mike asked.

"Drake's concert."

"Wait what? Really?!" Daniel yelled.

"No you stupid, we're going to get some food cause my stomach is dying of hunger." I laughed.

Soon we reached a restaurant that I've never seen before. Melissa assured us that the food is amazing here and so is the service. Not that I care about the latter.

We quickly went in and were greeted by a pleasant atmosphere that suddenly made me feel at home. It was a cute little diner and a waitress came up to accompany us.

"This way, please." She guided us to a table big enough for all of us.

After ordering, Mike offered us a small conversation.

"You all see that girl in red? I'm gonna get her number." He motioned towards a gorgeous woman sitting on the far left of the room, working on a laptop and sipping on a coffee. The scene is something I expect to see on a busy Monday morning but today was neither Monday nor morning.

Intrigued by her, I began to wonder why was she working so hard on a Saturday evening. Maybe she's a busy woman that's all. With a weird-ass job.

"Woah I think someone else will get her number faster than you." Melissa grinned at Mike.

"You can stop staring at her, man. She'll catch you." Daniel nudged me.

"You know what," Just then the waitress came with our food. Muttering a quiet thank you to her, I continued with a grin. "While you try to get her number, I'll score a date with her."

"Oh no no! That's impossible. No sane girl would like to go out with your moody ass behavior." Mike wiggled his eyebrows and pointed at himself. "While girls throw themselves at me. Girl, you have no chance." To prove his point, he flexed his biceps which looked pretty impressive.

"First of all, she's not a girl. She a woman!" Daniel was on my side.

"Yeah whatever."

"Wow, I'm the only one here who likes boys." Melissa sighed.

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