Naomi Scott

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Princess Jasmine III (This is the last one, I promise)

Next day, I spent walking around the palace. Jasmine was kind enough to show me around and her father was humble enough to let me stay as a guest for a few weeks. Jasmine informed him of my situation and he was very understanding for a king who's supposed to be merciless while entertaining the enemy.

Today the entire Agrabah was celebrating the return of the Princess and according to what Jasmine announced, the people are under the impression that I was the hero who brought back their future queen.

I was trying to help the people who were decorating the entire garden of the palace which was huge. Like really big. It seemed like a huge task for a team of twelve people and that's why I decided to help since I couldn't help but feel like I owe them this.

"The Princess is looking for you." Dahlia was the one who inform me, patted my back softly and took my place beneath the ladder.

I nodded at her and went back inside. The palace is hella big and it took me full ten minutes to find Jasmine's room. I knocked on the door and heard a muffled reply from the other side.

"You don't have to knock." 

I opened the door and saw her sitting at her dressing and doing her hair.

"Isn't Dahlia supposed to help you with stuff like this?"

"She is, but I want you to." She replied softly as she stared at me through the mirror without turning towards me.

"What do you need help with?" I placed my arms on her shoulders and leaned into her.

"The dress."

I like where this is going.

"Where is it?"

"Over there." She pointed to her right with her busy hand and then went back to brushing her hair.

The dress was the size of my room curtains and I wondered how she was going to wear it. Even though it was absolutely beautiful and it would compliment Jasmine so well, still I couldn't help but wonder how she will carry on such a dress.

No matter what, she'll look gorgeous in it.

"It's amazing."

"What would you like to wear?" She asked, standing up and walking towards her huge ass closet.

"Um, not leaves."

"Smart answer, I was going to make you wear leaves." She giggled and I heard my heart pick up the pace.

"I mean I'd wear them if you want me to." I grinned and plopped on her bed like it belonged to me.

"No, no, it's fine. I ordered this pretty dress for you earlier today. I hope you agree with my sense of fashion."

She grabbed a really really pretty dress and put it near herself as if she were a mannequin.

"I certainly do."

"Great then, you want to go first?"

I shook my head. "I can't wait to see you in that dress so... no"

"Or maybe you want to see me out of it?" She teased with a mischievous glint in her eyes and brought back the memories of the two luckiest moments in my life of when I saw her naked. 

Couldn't help the blush that covered my cheeks, ears and even neck were a shade of light pink and my heart was alarmed as if warning me, stop right here, you're about to fall in love!

That little grin settled on her lips told me stories not even a book could. I knew what she was thinking about, and that was exactly what I wanted to happen.

Jasmine took her dress from the bed and did not even bat her eyes before undoing her robe.

"Oh- oh! I uh..." I stammered with my words as she obviously caught me off guard and as a reflex, my eyes wandered over to her body. Too humiliated to look straight at her when she caught me staring, I immediately turned around.

"I didn't see that coming." I let out an awkward chuckle to ease the tension in my mind and wiped the sweat off my forehead.

I heard her mutter something inaudible which I ignored and waited till I stopped hearing the particular sound of Jasmine shuffling with her dress.

"Hey, can you help me?"

"Of course." I rubbed my sweaty palms on my thighs and turned around to see what she needed help with. Jasmine stood there with her dress on and zipper undone. Assuming she couldn't reach behind to pull up the zipper, I went in to help her with it.

I felt goosebumps on my arms when my cold fingers caressed her warm back (usually it's the other way around.) I wasted no time in getting distracted and awkwardly just touching her bare back without even realising.

"You gotta pull the zipper up." Jasmine kindly reminded me. I felt her shuddering against my touch and that brought me back into my senses. I carefully pulled the zip and secured its end. Jasmine lightly chuckled and looked at me from over her shoulder. Damn that jaw.

"What got you so distracted?" I saw her eyebrow wiggling and I couldn't hide my wide smile that forced itself on my lips.

"Well, you're just so hot and..."


"I wanna kiss you."

"What's stopping you?" She turned towards me and snaked her hand behind my neck while she rested the other hand on my waists.

"I don't know? Maybe you don't want to kiss me." I pouted.

"Wow, who told you that?" She giggled.

"Can you stop asking me so many questions?"

"Or what?" She challenged.

"Or I'll tickle you."

"I'm not ticklish." Jasmine smirked.

"Oo, I want to-"

"Can you kiss me already?" She pulled me into her and leaned into me.

"So many damn questions, oh my god Jas." I whispered but leaned further to the point where my lips touched hers.

I let my hands rest on her waists, casually caressing her back. Suddenly Jasmine's shoulders started to vibrated and she pulled back, laughing. I was confused for a second but understood when she moved out of my grasp.

"I thought you weren't ticklish?"

"Oh shut up!"

"By the way," I started.


"You look beautiful."


Okay this is really cringey and I kinda dislike this one. Sorry for the mistakes. Anyway enjoy <3

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