Vanessa Moe

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Boss Lady

"Where the fuck is my coffee?" I asked the new intern who I had given just one job and that was to bring me some coffee. He looked pretty scared as he mumbled words that I didn't bother to make out. "I give you ten more minutes, it better be on my table." I didn't wait for him to reply and went inside my office.

I sat in my office, seeing the documents stacked up perfectly with neon sticky notes at their edges. I began going through them, just to take a small glance at what I'll have to be stuck doing today.

Rolling up the sleeves of my red pantsuit, I went full-on working mode, which I surprisingly loved. It must have been over an hour when my secretary comes into my office as if she owned the place. She smiled at me and I had to scoff at her for being this happy on a Monday morning.

"Why are you so grumpy?" Was the first thing she asked me as she went in the corner of the room to fiddle with the documents sitting there.

"I don't know. I just don't like Mondays." I sighed and highlighted the line where the company's name was misspelled. God that's the name they work under and they can't even spell it.

"Did you get your coffee?"

"No..." I looked up realizing that the intern has still not returned with my coffee. Holding the pen tightly in my hand, I highlighted another sentence that was unreadable.

"Hey Karlie, mind reading my schedule for me?" I handed her the second part document that I had just corrected and it was amusing for me to find the second part having way more mistakes than the first one.

Karlie took the paper from my extended arms and began reading. She wasn't even one sentence down when I saw her eyebrows knitted together and her stuttering over words as if she was unable to read them.

I smirked slightly as her eyes withdrew from the paper in amusement. "Want me to call her in?"

I nodded. "Yes please,"

Karlie chuckled. "Alright but go easy on her. She's new."

Karlie left and I once again buried myself in work. There were so many things to do and my employees had not even glanced at their work properly. And when I bring it up to them, they think I'm being a mean boss. After all what all I even supposed to do? I feel like firing half of my staff.

And I probably could. But I just can't step over the person's only way to afford a life.

It was another hour when Karlie came in with my coffee (fortunately) and a young girl I've never even seen. She was gorgeous.

The way her light pink skirt hugged her figure and showed off her legs or how her tan skin brought out her hazel eyes which I could imagine getting lost in without a doubt. Or how she was biting her lips, I'm sure they were luscious or hair that seemed to be crazier than the nervous woman in front of me.

"You're scaring her," Karlie whispered to me, making me snap at her. Damn, I really just zoned out. She placed her coffee on my table and gave the younger girl a genuine smile.

"This is Vanessa, she's the new intern. Currently, she's covering for Greg as he's on sick leave."

"Would you like to sit down?" I offered Vanessa a smile. I was trying my best not to make her uncomfortable as I think I haven't made a polite impression on her. Neither has she, but I'm going to be the bigger person here.

"We would like to be alone, please. And thanks for the coffee, Karlie."

Karlie gave us a small smile and left. I turned to Vanessa, seeing her nervously gazing around the office with her pretty hazel eyes made me smile. It made me remember myself in her position 3 years ago.

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