Hailey Baldwin

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Hailey Baldwin was the woman everyone loved. How could you not? She was gentle, loving and a perfect wife who loved kissing her husband's ass at every Sunday brunch they'd have with their friends and family nearby. That side of her was for everyone she wanted to impress, but I was lucky and hopefully the only one to know the other side of her.

"Stop, he's going to arrive soon," I ignored her plea, capturing her lips again and again, and again. There was so much urgency in my movements and she noticed it too, but she didn't say anything. She didn't complain or push me away, instead, she moaned loudly and that's how I knew she liked it.

"I missed you," I muttered against her skin.

"He'll be home any minute now." I had no interest in talking about the small-dicked guy she calls her husband, and so, I ignored her again by kissing her again. And this time I didn't let go until I almost suffocated myself. I pulled back, too soon according to me but too late as per my lungs.

"You need to be gone right now,"

"I don't want to leave," I groaned.

"I'm serious." She gently caressed my jawline as probably as a bribe. Even though her touch was soft, however, her tone wasn't.

"Okay but I need to say something to you," I started and instantly my lips went drier despite all the exchange of saliva.

"Make it fast," Hailey ordered and that made me forget about everything I was going to pour out to her because I love it when she becomes bossy.

Her hair was a little put-off but not much to give away that she was making out with someone half a decade younger than her. Her lipstick was definitely smudged enough to tell what her hair couldn't. Her eyes held the fire that made me addicted to her.

"I love you,"

I was naive. Y/n. I got too attached to someone who was not mine, to begin with. And I was too delusional, thinking I could make a woman fall for me hard enough for her to ruin her perfect marriage for me. My biggest mistake was believing her when she told me she loved me back because that was the last thing she said to me.

"What are you doing here?!" She asked, her eyes looked red and her clothes were wrinkled. Her paranoid eyes looked behind me and then she pulled me into her house, locking the door behind me.

"I heard his car leave and I had to come to check on my lovely neighbor."

She glared at me, turned around, and went upstairs probably to her bedroom. I followed her.

I wasn't going to give up on her.

"So what excuse did he make this time to leave his wife in the middle of the night?" I teased her even though I knew what I was hinting at was true. "You know that there are no 'emergencies' at work coming up at 10 pm on a Friday night, right?

She harshly pushed her bedroom door open and shot me another intense glare. "Stop it."

"You know it well that there are no thefts in his office that require his attention tonight. The only thing his attention will be on is his secretary."

Hailey sat on the bed, her shoulders hunched and her eyes trying to shoot me. "I said stop it!"

"What?! Does it hurt? What hurt twenty times more was when you ignored me for days, acted like I didn't exist, and made it obvious that you're fucking him right after I confessed my love for you!"

I saw the silent tears pooling in her eyes before they fell one by one on her cheeks. I wanted to wipe them away and console her but I needed her to hear me. I need her to be mine but if she can't be then I at least want to come clear and tell her how I feel about all this and have damn closure that I deserve.

"Sucking his dick won't save your marriage. He has already crippled it and you haven't done anything to save it either! You don't deserve to feel bad that your husband is cheating on you because you're doing the same exact thing!"

"There is a difference!" She raised her voice, and then lowered her head down in shame. I waited for her to speak more but all she did was stare at her thighs are her eyes fell on them.

"There's no difference. You're just as much to be blamed as he is. I just want you to break this off. It's toxic."

"I can't just break it off. It's a marriage not a piece of a stick!"

"Why the hell? Tell me one, one good reason why you shouldn't divorce him and I'll leave."

Hailey clenched her tear-stained jaw and sighed angrily. There was nothing that could make either of us take what we're said till now back. We've gone through so much and this is the moment when she's is supposed to either push me off a cliff or pull me into her arms. And I should've known that getting tangled up with a married woman was going to get me pushed off a cliff.

I waited for her to give reasoning, almost as a whisper. Her voice sounded as if she was too tired to even speak.

"The difference is that he is sleeping around with women because he needs someone to look after his damn needs other than his wife because three years into a marriage and he's already bored of me. But I'm not just sleeping with you. I fucking love you. There is a huge fucking difference."

That night Hailey assured me that she loved me and I was sold when she pulled my stiff and surprised body into a warm hug in which she cried all night. And that wasn't the end of it. I promised her that it was the last time I'd make her cry. And I hoped she would stop being a coward and just divorce that fucking man.

"You did it," I pecked her lips. I was still not able to grasp my head around how fast all this happened. "I'm proud of you."

"I wouldn't have demoted from Mrs to Miss without you." Hailey smiled, showing her perfectly aligned bright teeth.

"So these boxes? Where do they go?" I reminded her of the heavy load in my arms by nudging her with it. Hailey wad moving into my apartment and we were just in the process of bringing her things.

"Keep it down because I want you to show me how proud of me you are."

"Woah, okay, wow but just tell me where to keep it really. We have all night to do the other thing."

"No, we don't so you better make it quick." She bumped our noses together making me chuckle.

"I love you," I called after she left for our room, hoping she heard.

"If you do, you better hurry up!" I smiled and shook my head, keeping the box on the kitchen platform.


hi yes, I'm here to tell you that cheating on your s/o is never okay. also please stay safe and clean.

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