Lauren Jauregui

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Fries And Long Drives

"Open your mouth, baby." Lauren pushed a fry against my lips and I parted them open to let it in. I did not budge my eyes from the road even though it was fairly vacant.

"Can you put some mayo please?" I requested and slightly turned my gaze towards her so I could see her grimacing.

"That's disgusting." But she still poured some mayo in the corner of the plate, making a puddle. She dipped a few fries  in it and shoved them into my mouth. Contented, I silently chewed while trying not to laugh.

"Thank you." I grinned from ear to ear as she showed her distaste by pretending to gag.

"You're disgusting."

I drove for a few more minutes and Lauren continued to feed me fries. We were going to meet her family. It's my second time meeting them and honestly I was nervous as hell.

Her mom is a sweetheart, she's not the problem. Her brother is easy to impress so he's not a real threat to me. Even her dog likes me. It's just that her dad is a tough fucking man and makes me terrified. He had never shown any real approval towards me.

"Are you thinking about switching from mayo to ketchup?" Lauren put her hand on my thighs which oddly calmed me instantly.

"Haha, don't even think about it." I giggled.

"So is it work? You're always thinking about work." She squinted her eyes before plopping some fries in her mouth.

"No I'm not, and I do not always think about it."

"Then are you worried about being bitten by my doggo?" She teased.

That got me laughing. "He's absolutely adorable and harmless. At least to me."

"It's my dad. Oh yes! I remember he scared you off pretty bad last time." She leaned in and left a quick peck on my forehead.

I frowned. "I have no idea what's his opinion on me. Something tells me it's negative."

She waved it off. "No no, all dads are like that. You remember when I met your dad? I thought he was about to kick me out the second I stepped in. At the end of the day, we were making cookies together."

I smiled at the memory. "Yeah, but that's mostly because he's a huge softie. And you're charming as hell."

"So is my dad. He's just... not ready to see his only daughter in the hands of anyone else. He wants someone who can take full responsibility of me."

"I can take care of you." My lips turned down in a frown.

"Yes you can baby, and you do take care of me and treat me very well." She nuzzled her face into my neck.

"It's just that your dad gives me the vibes like..." I air quoted with one hand, not entirely leaving the steering wheel, "hurt my daughter and you'll die ."

Lauren giggled. "And are you planning on hurting me?"

"No, never."

"Then what's there to be scared of?"

"Okay," I nodded before chuckling. "okay. Yeah, you have a point." I admitted.

I drove for an hour more when I  realised that we have entered the town.

"So how long it's going to take?"

I checked the time and focused back on the road. "Around fifteen more minutes. We'll be there soon."

Lauren nodded and lazily laid her head on her shoulder. "Don't fall asleep babe."

She yawned. "I won't."

"So," I started, "are there any more fries left?"

She reached for the packet in the cabinet and handed it to me. "There ya go."

I tried to keep her somehow engaged so she won't fall asleep because I know that if I don't, she definitely will.

"Can you feed them to me?"

She turned her head and gave me a really disinterested smile.

"I'm driving, see?" I tapped on the steering wheel.


One by one, Lauren fed me all the fries and I was still pretty hungry. Cause I'm always hungry.

Apart from hungry, thankfully I wasn't nervous like before. Until we reached Lauren's home. As soon as I turned off the car, I tossed a gum into my mouth, fixed my car and clothes.

Noticing me, Lauren really just grabbed my face and planted a quick kiss. She straightened out the dress I was wearing for me and then gave me a huge grin.

"You look amazing, they'll love you- they already do."

In response I could only nod.

"So here it goes."


pretty short I know but pls request smth cause I don't really know which celeb to include anymore.

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