Emma Chamberlain

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The thought of taking someone out on date didn't seem to scare me and freeze out every idea for a possible romantic location from my mind unless I asked her out. It wasn't like she was frightening or forcing me to take her out, but what bothered me was the idea of fucking up my chance with her. I genuinely liked her and she wasn't some girl I was trying to win over because she seemed to like me. 

And sitting in front of me was her, the girl I was head over heels for, nursing me with all she knew about first aid.

What I feared was exactly what happened today. I had picked out the best place I could think of, been very very very considerate of her feelings, listened to whatever she blabbered about and even paid for our food.

But I forgot to lock my anger and let it all out when this guy disrespected her. We got in a fight, and I have to say I did throw in a few punches which knocked the air out of the heavily tattooed guy, but I knew I had lost the fight when he punched my nose.

So I received a bloody nose, damaged knuckles, and an invite especially from the owner of the restaurant to never set a foot inside. The guy got much more though, and that made all this worth it.

Emma rubbed alcohol on my palm, which was scratched badly. I let out a whimper at the contact, my hand was trembling in pain but I held it up somehow.

"You shouldn't have done that," she spoke, her soft eyes were looking into mine and I saw her forehead wrinkled with worry. "I know, you should've stopped me." I joked to brighten up the situation and I swear I saw a small smile on her lips.

"I did, but you didn't listen. Be glad you don't need stitches." She expertly wrapped up my palm and I was ready to go.

"Thank you for all this and I'm sorry I ruined our night..." I trailed off hoping she could finish my sentence.

"You didn't. God, no one has ever done that to me. I've been on dates which absolutely didn't end up like this one. They were perfect yes, so perfect that it had become boring."

I was sitting on the island of her bathroom. She was done nursing me and after that, we just talked for some time. Then I got an idea.

"Hey, your parents aren't home right?"

She looked a little confused by the question but nodded, "yes, why?"

"Let's go!" I literally dragged her down to the kitchen. "I'll cook dinner for us and then we can continue our date like nothing happened."

Emma chuckled. "You'll cook? With your injuries? No thanks."

"Haha, ouch. Let me call pizza then." I fished my phone out of my pocket, ready to give them a call.

"Wow, you changed your mind fast. I was about to cook for us and-" Emma got interrupted by me spamming my phone on the platform of the kitchen and waving at her. "I was kidding about the pizza thing, the kitchen is all yours, chef." I bowed to her. I wasn't really up for anymore outside food. And I also didn't want to skip the chance of trying the food she makes.

The took the lead and took out some saucepans from the cabinet under the stove. "Do you need help? I could help in stirring and all." I offered but she pushed me out of the kitchen, giggling. "No, I have a feeling you'll make it worse and I really don't want to stave tonight so let me, okay? I got this. Go and watch tv or something."

I obliged and sat on the living room sofa and turned on the tv trying to pass some time. My hand was not at all doing good, it was still kinda throbbing. I was dying to stretch my neck but the scratches made it difficult to do so.

I got pretty lost in watching tv and I almost failed to notice the foul smell coming from the kitchen. Smells like burnt food.

I sneaked into the kitchen and saw dark smoke coming from the pot and Emma desperately trying to do something about it. I watched her as she set everything aside tiredly and boiled some water in another pot.

"Smells good, watcha cooking?" I grinned as I leaned again the fridge and saw her smiling seamlessly at me. "I hope you like ramen because that's our last option for dinner."

I couldn't help but laugh. She was too cute for her own good. "Ramen is fine with me but tell me one thing..." She nodded for me to continue. "Have you ever stepped in a kitchen alone?"

"Don't question my abilities, yes I have." She leaned back against the kitchen island and shrugged.

"Not for trying to find snacks for when you're bored, Emma. For cooking. Have you ever cooked anything without help?"

Haha her face said it all.

"I suggest you go and watch some tv and I'll see what I can do here." It was me this time who let the other person to the living.

"We can just order take out," she said with a pout. Nevertheless, she plopped up her feet on the table and played with the tv remote.

I ignored her as I went back into the kitchen and tried to find something to cook. She had so many options to choose from and she decided to make something too complicated for a beginner.

Fortunately, my ass knew how to cook. I sneaked a glance at Emma from the kitchen and shook my head. This girl will be the death of me.


I ended it there cause I thought it getting boring.

ANYWAY so I need help. real bad. I feel shy asking this 😳 but

Since I know y'all are experienced readers (I'm not just buttering you up), it would be great if you all check out my new just published book that I wrote at 2 am but that's beside the point.

please please please read it and tell me if the concept is worth it and if I should continue it cause honestly I'm clueless.

Celebrity ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora