Chapter Seventeen

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"Spencer, wake up."

I jolted up, feeling wide awake, staring back at Felicity as she stood beside the bed. My vision was slightly blurred, so I reached for my glasses on the bedside table, but she instead handed me them; having them already prepared.

"Sorry, I was going to hand them to you straight away." She scrunched up her nose as I adjusted the glasses comfortably onto my face. 

"All is fine." I smiled, letting out a little yawn, "What time is it? Are we supposed to be somewhere?" I furrowed my brows, realising what Felicity was wearing. She was prepared to go outside in the cold weather, with her thick white jumper, and her hair tossed up into a bun.

Did I forget about some event happening? Christmas is full of random traditions, I tend to forget about. I mean, can you blame me? My dad wasn't exactly a festive guy, so Christmas was pretty bland and boring before Pattie came into the picture.

"Oh, well, I was eating breakfast with Justin and Jason... And Justin brought up some Ice Skating Rink he heard about last year that he couldn't go to, and well, he wants everyone to go with him today... and for some reason he is really hard to say no to." Felicity laughed softly, sitting beside me on the bed, "So... what do you think?"

"Uh.. I don't really know-"

"Pleeeeaaaaassssseeeee?" the sudden whine erupted from the door of the room, and I snapped my head over to see Justin with his head peeking in, staring over at me with a pout.

"What are you doing?" I snorted, shaking my head at him.

"Yeah, I tried to tell him you were tired.. but he bugged me to wake you up and ask." Felicity hummed, shaking her head with a wide grin, "Are you really going to say no?"

"Yeah! don't say no!" Justin huffed, walking into the room further, and crossing his arms.

He had his snow boots on, as well as blue skinny jeans, with a classic Christmas styled Ugly Sweater, with the words 'Merry Christmas, Ya Filthy Animals' printed on the front. Something I could only think Jason would buy for him.

I sighed, "Who else is going ice skating?"

"Jason." Justin beamed, "Oh... and maybe Hunter and Derek..." He mumbled quieter, almost purposely trying to not let me hear it. It seemed a little suspicious. Felicity glanced over at me, curious. I was just as curious as she was.

"Fine... um... why don't you let me get ready, okay?" I slowly said, and Justin squealed, nodding.

"Yay!" He grinned, "Hurry up, though. Jason said we have to take the bus, because Mum and Jeremy took the car today; but it's going to be so fun!" he then sped off down the hall, probably to try and convince Derek and Hunter to join.

"So... While I was out there, Jason and Justin were sharing these weird looks. And I'm no Velma from the Scooby gang, but they're totally up to something." Felicity quickly rushed out, keeping her voice low.

"Seriously?" I furrowed my brows, "What the hell would they even be planning?"

"Who knows? But I have a feeling its to do with Derek and you..." She said slowly, standing up so I could get out of the bed.

I hummed, walking over to my clothes, "I think Derek is already on edge enough... He's uh-"

"Spence; what are we doing here? Do you remember why we started this in the first place?" She sighed, closing the door to give us more privacy, "We want to get married for several reasons... and one of those is Derek, right?"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2020 ⏰

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