Chapter Five

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Justin's POV

"I can't believe this. Now he wants to kick him out of the school." 

I sat on the steps on the stairs, sneakily watching as my Mum paced the room on the phone. She was talking to my Daddy, and boy was she mad.

Even though she said the fight wasn't my fault, I was still in big trouble for being violent when I know it's bad. I wish Kevin wasn't such a big ugly bully. I think it's because she's extremely protective of me.

I pursed my lips and sighed as Mum let out a huff as she went onto ranting. She talked about how I had a few bruises on my face, and that my arms had scratches on them... and it sounded like Daddy wasn't happy about it either because she kept agreeing with him.

"Justin, it's late, bud." Jeremy said from behind me. I looked up at him and frowned more. "What's wrong?" He hummed, sitting beside me on the step.

He always tried to comfort me; sometimes he can be a bit bossy and annoying. Like another Mummy.

"I don't like it when Mummy's angry." I mumbled, before I began chewing on the sleeve of my pajama shirt.

"She's just letting out her frustration." Jeremy smiled, patting my head, "You should be proud of yourself for standing up to the bully, Justin."

I blushed, "He called me a name... well me and Niall a name." I nodded, "And he pushed Niall too. No one hurts my best friend."

I wonder how Niall is after this? I didn't get to see if he's okay... I hope he's alright.

"Is your face sore?" Jeremy licked his lips, using his finger to lightly push one of my bruises.

I winced some as a throbbing pain followed, "Yes. Don't touch it." I pushed his hand away with a frown.

My face wasn't too bad, just bruised and swollen. At least my nose wasn't bleeding anymore.

"Sorry." He nodded, "I'll get you some ice, go to bed, alright?" Jeremy stood up.

"I want to call Jason, though." I told him stubbornly.

I didn't get to say goodnight to Jason yet, and I always got to before bed. He can't tell me I'm not allowed to say goodnight to my boyfriend. I would've called earlier if they didn't rush to have dinner and get the babies to bed.

"Jason would be working at this time, there's some musical on tonight." Jeremy shook his head, denying me of my demands.

"No." I replied, shaking my head and mocking his actions.

Jeremy crossed his arms and rose a brow, "Don't start, you're already in hot water after being in a fight; just because I'm proud of what you did, it still doesn't mean its okay to bite people." 

"You're not my Daddy." I argued, my face growing red in annoyance. If I don't want to do something, then I'm not going to. I hate going to bed early every night.

"I'm your step-dad." Jeremy groaned, "Patricia!" He called.

"I'm on the phone!"

"Your son won't listen to me!" Jeremy replied.

"Justin, listen to him!" Mum snapped from the lounge room.

"You heard the boss." Jeremy grinned.

"MUMMY JEREMY HIT ME!" I screamed, not wanting to go to bed.


"Justin, stop lying!"

"I'm not!"

"Patricia! He lied!"

"Justin Drew Bieber, when I get off this phone you're in BIG trouble!"

I let out another scream, before getting up and stomping down the steps, "I hate everyone!" I exclaimed, before the sound of the babies crying came from upstairs. 

"For goodness sakes!" Jeremy groaned.

I took that chance to run to my bedroom and slam the door shut, before lying in my bed and letting out more screams of frustration and anger. I'm sixteen, I can do what I want! 

Jason's POV 

I fell into my bed with a relaxing groan. A hard day of work and I could finally lie in my comfortable bed in peace. Everyone was asleep when I got home, so I was eager to go to bed myself.

I'd been on my feet since 6am, cleaning the apartment, going shopping, and then heading straight to work. I was lucky I didn't have a shift on my own tonight because there were so many people.

I was about to fall asleep too, but the constant buzzing coming from my phone made that mission impossible. 

I sloppily threw my hand over to the floor beside the bed, grabbing my charging phone and answered it without attempting to open my eyes.

"Hello?" I yawned.

"Hey, Jase, did I wake you?" Derek's voice spoke through.

"Mm, no... I was about to fall asleep though." I explained, letting out another much needed yawn.

"Oh okay... well Hunter and I are driving back tonight..." He murmured, and I hummed in response, "Do you think maybe we could crash at yours... I didn't exactly want to tell Mum I was home just yet... plus I don't think she'd want me and Hunter over unexpectedly."

"And I would?" I groaned.

"Please? You know if I stay there Mum would probably let Justin over during the week too instead of weekends..." Derek begged, "We can sleep on the couch."

I let out a whine, "What time will you get here?"

"In four hours?" He spoke slowly, before I could hear a reply in the background, ("Three hours.") "Okay, three hours." Derek answered.

"Hmm, alright... I'll leave the key under the fake plant at the door. You remember what floor I'm on, right?" I sighed, sitting up tiredly.

"Yeah, we'll be quiet as a mouse... You won't even know when we get there. see you in the morning." Derek beamed, before hanging up.

Ugh, terrific, now I have to have Derek come stay over, and I don't fully get along with him yet... but then again, I at least get to see more of Justin which is a plus on its own.

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