Chapter Thirteen

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Jason's POV

The sound of pure giggles errupting out of Justin sent me into the most loving and adoring state.

The whole family were gathered in the lounge, watching a Football game between Dallas Cowboy's and The Patriots.
(AN; I genuinely have no idea what football teams there are in America, is Dallas Cowboy's legit a team? Wtf is Patriots? Sorry. I used Google for the top five Teams Im that lame 😂)

Justin was sitting on the floor between my legs, clearly amused when my Dad made some lame joke about how the hosts Toupee was seconds away from flying off his head.

Justin looked at me, giving me a look as if to ask why I wasnt as amused as he was.

"Jasey, that was funny, right?" Justin tried to hold in more giggles from spilling out, but he wasnt very good at that.

I smiled, "Hilarious, babe."

"Jasey?" Spencer used his foot to nudge my shoulder; seeing as he was perched up on the couch, and I was on the floor with Justin.

"Dont call me that." I warned.

"Justin just called you-"

"Justin can call me whatever he pleases, he's number one." I cut him off, feeling Justin push himself into my chest.

"Wow." Spencer shook his head, wrapping an arm over his Fiancé.

Felicity came across as a sweet girl, and I was happy for Spencer, but there was no doubt Derek was pissed.

Derek and Hunter were sitting across the room, and even though they were snuggled up, the look on Derek's face said it all. I've never seen someone look so sour.

"Oh! OH SHUT UP!" Dad errupted as he stared at the TV.

I soon realized the Patriots were heading for a touchdown, and that's what sent my Dad off into a fit of excitement. This was going to make or break the win, so it was the most intense part.

"YASSSS!" My dad cheered as the touchdown was so close to being made, while Carter and Kyle jokingly acted even more excited in their seat.

Just as the touchdown was about to be made, the channel was suddenly changed.

The theme song of Adventure Time was playing, along with the sound of my dad's heart dropping into his stomach.

"WHO THE FUCK CHANGED THE CHANNEL!?" My Dad asked in heartbreak.

Justin cheerfully sung to the theme song, which is when I realized he was holding the remote to the TV in his hand.

"Oh honey..." Pattie awkwardly cleared her throat, trying to stop my Dad from seeing who had the remote, but it was too late.

"Justin." Dad snapped, Carter and Kyle shared a look, not even willing to save poor Justin from this.

Justin giggled, looking over at my father. His innocence was seconds from being destroyed by my devostated dad.

"Jake and Finn time! It's 5pm!" Justin pointed to the clock, "See?"

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