Chapter Four

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Justin's POV

"Justin, time to get up for school!" Jeremy knocked on my bedroom door while I pouted.

It's Wednesday now, half way into the school week, but I still didn't want to go to school again. I just wanted to go see Jason, but he's been busy working and being boring.

I don't hate school. I liked learning, but there was always a bunch of mean boys who picked on me and Niall.

They call us stupid and they call Niall fat. He's not fat, he's just chubby and I think he's perfect!

One of the bullies was three times bigger than Niall, but he still says Niall is a big fatty. I don't get it. What's wrong with being chubby?

Niall gives the best cuddles and his brother Liam says it's because if you're chubby you're softer and warmer.

When they say those things to Niall he gets really sad about it. It makes me sad too, because Niall ends up not eating for days and he gets sick.

How can they make Niall feel sad all the time and not say sorry? They must not have a heart.

"Do you need me to come in there and pour water?" Jeremy chuckled softly as he knocked more.

"No." I huffed, loud enough for him to hear me.

"Hurry up, breakfast is getting cold." He added and I reluctantly sat up.

Ever since Jason, Spencer and Derek moved out, I was put into the bedroom downstairs.

It's been scary in a room all by myself, but I got used to it after the first month. My mummy was nice enough to get me some fairy lights to keep on during the night and all my teddies are on a big bed for me to cuddle.

My room was a lot cleaner too. When I shared with Jason it got messy a lot, because he didn't care where he put his clothes. But I hated when it got messy so I organise everything.

I sighed, grabbing the clothes I set out last night for me to wear today, beginning to get dressed before I went out for breakfast.


"Morning class." Mr. Styles - Harry, I mean, smiled as he coaxed everyone to sit down, "Did everyone bring back their forms for the Zoo visit Friday?"  He asked as he began draw on the whiteboard.

Niall was sitting beside me, raising his permission slip in the air and waving it around, "I did! I did!"

I giggled, grabbing my neatly folded permission slip from my folder and placing it on the corner of my table, before tapping Niall and telling him to put his with mine.

"Very good, Niall." Harry replied after walking around to collect the permission slips. 

I was really excited to go to the zoo, mainly due to the fact the last time I had been, I was really little. It'll be really fun especially with Niall going as well.

School was really different without Jason, Derek or Spencer here. People were a lot more mean, and the places Niall and I used to hang out before was taken over by the 'popular' kids. It made me glad that Christmas break was almost here and we wouldn't have to worry about the horrible students any longer... well, at least until it was time for school to start again.


By lunch time, Niall and I were completely exhausted. School is very tiring, and it lasts way too long during the day. It should be a crime to attend school this long.

"Justin?" Niall hummed, watching as I bit into my fruit.

"Yes?" I replied with a mouthful of apple. I was purposely chewing loudly, hoping it encouraged Niall to eat lunch too, but my plan never works.

"Liam is going away for the weekend... so I'm going to be all alone..." Niall bit his bottom lip, blushing, "Could I - maybe - stay the night at yours?" He pouted.

I widened my eyes. Never in my lifetime, have I ever been asked that. I've never been to a sleepover (Aside from Jason's, and my Dad's, but that doesn't actually count) nor have I hosted one. I wanted to say yes, but then I remembered;

"I would love to... but, um, the problem is, is I spend weekends at Jason's..." I mumbled, feeling really guilty about it.

"Oh..." Niall frowned, "Never mind... I'll just... hang out... by myself... all alone..."

"Niall," I warned, frowning back and knowing what he was doing. He does this all the time... still makes me feel horrible.

"No it's fine." Niall laid back on the grass, "I'll suffer by myself."

"Stop." I whined.

"Guess I'll never stay the night with you, ever." Niall sighed dramatically.

"Fine!" I yelled, crossing my arms unhappily, "I'll... I'll talk to Jason." I grumbled bitterly.

"Thank you, best friend!" Niall beamed, sitting up and hugging me happily.

I giggled, rolling my eyes as I hugged back. I could hear Niall giggle too, and that made me happy.

"What a bunch of retarded faggot's." A snicker encouraged us to pull away and look up at Kevin - one of the boys who bully us.

"You aren't supposed to say that, it's mean." Niall crossed his arms, shaking his head at him.

"What are you gonna do? Tell mummy? Oh wait... you don't have a mum." Kevin snorted.

"No," Niall frowned, "But I have a big brother. And he's a boxer."

"Like I'm scared of your so called brother." Kevin stomped on Niall's finger's, causing Niall to errupt into painful sobs.

"Hey! You can't to that to my best friend!" I yelled, getting up and trying to push Kevin away, but that only resulted in him punching and hitting me. Despite the absolute pain I received, I fought back tears and went into defense mode.


The principle sat in front of Mum, Jeremy and myself - My Mum rubbing my back comfortingly while Jeremy held the Twin's.

"Are you going to suspend that violent boy!" Mum snapped, "or have him arrested!" She glared at the principle. I was crying quietly due to all the bruises and blood noise I was given.

"Mrs. McCann, I'm led to believe that Justin was the one to start the fight.." He sighed.

"I didn't! He stomped on Niall's fingers!" I cried in my defense.

"Kevin told me it was an accident, and then you proceeded to bite him." The Principle eyed me, "I have no time for liars."

"I only bit him three times!" I argued.

"You bit off his ear!" The Principle snapped.

"He was hitting me!" I cried.

"That's no excuse for biting! You don't pull a Mike Tyson in this school. Understood?" He glared.

"Don't yell at my son." Mum snapped, "Justin would never do this out of the blue. He isn't violent." She huffed, rubbing my back while Jeremy cleared his throat.

"What's being done about this?" Jeremy asked.

"Justin is suspended..." He replied.

"That's crap! I'm getting a lawyer." Mum stood up.

I sat there unsure about what was happening and why my Mum was so mad. Kevin should be the one in trouble, he was the one who started it.

Author's Note; Sorry this is a complete filler, kinda, hope you enjoyed either way

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