Chapter 15

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I woke up earlier than the rest of the household, emerging from the room Felicity and I were sharing together. She was still sound asleep, tired after all the data we'd collected for our assignments. It took us a good three and half hours, so I was still rather tired myself.

But I was an early bird, no matter what time I went to bed. I made my way into the kitchen, starting up the coffee machine while grabbing myself a mug and some cream. 

I hope Derek had gotten over his moods, but I was dreading today nonetheless. He needed to get over me, just like I still need to get over parts of him. I sighed, pouring myself a coffee, before mixing in the cream and sugar. 

A pick-me-up is all I needed anyway. I took a quick sip, hissing as the heat burned my upper lip.

"Fuck." I muttered, blowing at the heat coming from my drink. 

"Oh, didn't realise someone else was up." A voice interrupted, and I snapped my head to the left, widening my eyes at the sight of Hunter. Great. I didn't want to really deal with Hunter anymore than I would want to deal with Derek in this given situation.

"Uh, I'll let you use the room-" I went to haul myself out as fast as possible, but Hunter rose a brow, holding a hand up. 

"What's the rush? I feel like you and I have never really gotten to know each other.. and its been a fair few years since we've met, now. " Hunter eyed me, slowly walking towards the bench and making a coffee for himself. I noticed him flinch, almost in pain, as he reached up to grab one of the mugs from the shelf above, "So, how is it working at NASA?" Hunter hissed softly, reaching into his pocket and pulling out an orange pill bottle. 

what kind of medication is that? 

I felt caught off guard here. Hunter is trying to speak to me as if we are friends... surely Derek has made it clear we have a bit of history; and I doubt Hunter would be okay with how Derek is clearly being worked up over my engagement announcement. 

"Its fine." I muttered, barely offering him an answer that would open me up, my eyes watching him pop two of the pills in his mouth, before washing it down with a mouthful of hot coffee, barely even phased by the drinks heat, "You have a headache?"

"Hmm?" Hunter furrowed his brows, before glancing at the pill bottle, "Oh, something like that. Anyways, Derek wants me to stay over Christmas, but depending on how the situation with you two ends up, I'm not too sure about that." Hunter looked back up at me, suspicion easily read on his face. 

"Whatever Derek's problem is with me, I'm not interested in dragging it on." I said firmly, "I don't want my holiday ruined over the past mistakes, okay?"

Hunter shrugged, "Fair enough... I mean, you're engaged, so you've definitely moved on?" he hummed questioningly, and I felt a little nervous under his gaze. 

"Absolutely. Felicity is wonderful. She'll fit right into the family." I cleared my throat, while Hunter looked down at his drink, nodding slowly. 

"Good." Hunter sighed, "Because I love Derek, and I don't want anything to get in the way of that." He eyed me.

I swallowed, a little taken back by how direct the comment was, "You have nothing to worry about, Hunter. Derek and I were just messing around back then, it wasn't anything serious. Its clear who he wants to be with, isn't it?" I surprised myself at my own reply, but it needed to be said.

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