Chapter Eight

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Jason's POV

I couldnt believe the argument Justin and I were having. And that he left me to sleep in thr lounge room with his brother and his stupid boyfriend.

I was more than jealous, I was furious. But I wasnt going to tell Justin that.

It was hard for me to fall asleep after my argument with Justin; I wasnt used to us shouting like that - sure we've had arguments, but this felt different.

It would blow over eventually, of course.

I soon fell asleep, which was a relief. I was exhausted after the night I had.


By morning time, I sleepily rolled over, smiling at the feeling of a body beside me.

Justin must've missed me during the night and come back.

I hummed, wrapping an arm around Justin as he was snuggled under the blankets, "Miss me baby?" I murmured deeply, my voice croaking after my deprived sleep.

"No. I'm hungry though." A voice that definitely did NOT belong to Justin replied tiredly.

My eyes widened comically, "Niall? what the hell?" I snapped.

"WHY IS NIALL ON MY SIDE OF THE BED!?" A scream came from the door.

I sat up quickly, "Justin? I thought you were there, wait what?" I rambled confused.

Justin stood there, his face scrunching up angrily and growing red as he clenched his fists. I'd never seem him so angry...

Niall sat up beside me, yawning, "Is it breakfast time?" He looked oblivious to Justin's psycho side slowly rising.

"Stay away from my boyfriend!" Justin glared angrily at Niall, stomping into the room.

"What do you mean?" Niall asked confused, "I got scared all by myself."

"He's mine." Justin growled, raising his fist ready to punch Niall.

"I dont want him!" Niall yelled back at him.

"Put your fist down." I warned Justin, standing up quickly to keep him from hurting Niall.

Despite my confusion about Niall being in my bed, I wasnt going to let Justin beat the kid up.

"Violence isnt the answer." I said, grabbing Justin by the wrists gently.

"I don't fucking care!" Justin screamed at me.

I stood back in shock at his words. The few years I'd known Justin, I had never heard him swear. It threw me off by a mile.

"You said a bad word..." Niall gasped, giggling, "You're gonna get in troub-"

I didnt even notice until it had happened - Justin flung himself onto Niall and started slapping and hitting him violently.

Niall was screaming and tugging his hair in attempts to fight back.

"Justin!" I shouted, grabbing him by the waist trying to get him off of Niall.

Justin was smaller than Niall, but Niall was no match against Justin. Justin was a fireball of energy.

"Jason is mine!" Justin shouted angrily.

Okay, now I can see how its possible for Justin to bite a boys ear off...

I struggled to pull Justin off of Niall; thankful Derek and Luke ran into the room to help seperate the two of them - well keep Niall a safe distance away from Justin.

"Justin, what is your problem!?" Derek scolded Justin, glaring as he gripped his arm.

Justin panted heavily, "He's a boyfriend stealer!"

"What?" Ashton asked as he entered my room, followed by Hunter and Nash.

"I dont want Jason!" Niall frowned, "You hurt me! I dont want to be your friend anymore."

"You cant go hitting people, do you understand?" Derek spat at Justin.

Hunter walked over to Justin, Derek and I and smiled sympathetically smiled.

"Maybe we should take Justin for a walk?" Hunter suggested.

I snorted, "No. I'll handle Justin... just make sure Niall's okay. Go." I pointed at the door, hinting I wanted them to get the hell out.

Like I'd let Hunter take Justin for a walk. Its his stupid fault all this happened anyway... sort of.

Derek sighed, "Fine... dont let him off easy, he's never acted like this before." He mumbled as the boys directed an upset Niall out of the room.

Once the door was shut I looked down at Justin and huffed, "I cant believe you did that. You acted like a complete-"

Justin choked out a sob suddenly, burying himself into my chest as he cried.

I'd never been so confused before with Justin, so I slowly wrapped my arms around him.

"Justin?" I asked softly.

"I dont wanna fight anymore!" Justin cried, "Please dont leave me for Niall! I wont be mean anymore."

"Babe, whats wrong? We just had an argument... I'm not leaving you." I said softly, not too sure why his moods were all over the place suddenly.

"I was just grumpy last night. I'll be a better boyfriend, I promise." Justin sniffled, looking up at me, his eyes glossy from his tears.

"I'm not going to leave you, okay?" I frowned, kissing his nose.

"But Niall-"

"Niall must have climbed in the bed when I was asleep, okay?" I cooed, "I dont like him like I like you."

"Promise?" Justin rubbed his eyes.

"I promise." I nodded, "But you need to say sorry to Niall... you shouldnt hit your friends."

Justin swallowed, "He hates me now..."

"He's upset you hurt him." I sighed.

Justin pouted, "I just dont want him to steal you..."

I bit my bottom lip, realising how Justin was really feeling. It was how I was feeling.

"He wont... but, you know how you feel about him stealing me?" I mumbled, Justin nodding in response, "That's how I feel about you with Hunter..."

Justin furrowed his brows, "Eww! Hunter is Derek's yucky boyfriend."

I chuckled lightly at his reaction, but sighed, "You dont like Hunter?"

"I like him." Justin giggled, "Just not like a boyfriend because thats gross."

I smiled at the grin on Justins lips.

"Please apologize to Niall, okay?" I sighed, holding Justin close.

Justin cuddled into me, "Okay... and then I want a bath..."

I smiled, "Okay..."

Authors note; i rushed this because i wanted to update. Lifes pretty hectic lately sorry guys xx hopefully i get my shit together x

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