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Dick: Always strive to eat the stars

Wally: Aren't they too hot

Dick: Blow on them first



Wally: I bet the YMCA dance is a lot harder in chinese


Dick: You can run from your problems

Unless your problem is a cheetah

Wally: I still can

Dick: Shut up


Dick: Just hung a picture

Nailed it


Dick: Iconic quote from Barbara. I couldn't not share

If a guy said he'll do something he will. There is no need to remind him every six months

Wally: Bruh



Wally: I hate it when I'm wearing my apple bottom jeans and I can't find my boots with the fur


Dick: Google must be a woman because it knows everything


Dick: Dear whoever stole my copy of Microsoft Office- I will track you done you have my word

Wally: The very idea that someone could steal anything from you is hilarious


Wally: Try new things so you know you hate them.


Wally: I love when you hand a dog a treat and they're like 'thanks, I'll be having this in the other room. Excuse me.'


Dick: How have you been?

I'll go first I've been awful


Wally: Apparently 'the vibes are off' isn't a good excuse to leave early


Dick: 'You look tired' Thanks I stayed up all night obsessing over things I have no control over


Wally: Are you decent

Dick: Not morally, but, I'm wearing pants if that's what you were asking


Dick: The thing I miss most about movie theater is overhearing someone saying the most f***ing ludacris thing I've ever heard before the previews start


Wally: You can cook bagel bites in the oven or the microwave

Dick: Where else would you cook bagel bites

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