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Wally: Is the natural state of the soul quiet or chaotic?

Dick: Look buddy, it's transient, shifting like water


Dick: If poison expires is it more or less poisonous?

Asking for a friend.

Wally: Why won't you answer your phone?

Dick, I am not the friend you are asking for. I'm concerned.


Dick: If both teams in basketball worked together they could score so many points.

Wally: Well you're not wrong


Wally: Can I borrow 30 dollars?

Dick: No, do you think money grows on trees or something?

Wally: What's money made of?

Dick: A cotton paper hybrid.


I hate you


Dick: I think it's brave and honestly pretty sexy of me to continue living


Wally: Mini M&M's taste better than normal ones because they appeal to the very specific urge to eat aquarium gravel

Dick: Do you take constructive criticism?


Dick: I broke my arm

Wally: WHAT?!?!? What happened?

Dick: I don't want to say

Wally: I'll just ask Tim then

*20 minutes later

Wally: You take musical chairs way to seriously

Dick: I won though


Dick: Wild how Trump claims to be wealthy but we've never seen him with airpods

Wally: Well I mean......


Dick: I am going to die

Wally: Uh dramatic much?

Like what's wrong?

Dick: I have a fever and can't breath.

Wally: Just breath

It's not that hard

Dick: Oh okay

Why didn't I think of that?


Wally: Would you take a bullet for me

Dick: I would do anything for you.

Except eat a mushroom, those things are f***ing nasty

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