267 19 2

Dick: Just heard some girl say 'Daniel if I wanted to kill myself I would just climb up you ego and jump down to you IQ


She's savage


Wally: Let's go somewhere and judge people

Dick: I'm free around 7:00


Wally: You think you're sooo funny don't you?

Dick: I think I'm hilarious

I make myself laugh


Dick: I swear medication manufacturers have no FREAKING CLUE what fruit tastes like


Wally: ACK

Dick: ?

Wally: Save me

Dick: From??

Wally: I have to make a phone call

Dick: : /


Dick: Don't worry the spider is smaller than you

Wally: Yeah... So is a grenade


Wally: What do you call a person with a hearing impairment?

Dick: What?



Dick: What kind of tea is hard to swallow?


Wally: BRUH


Wally: Hey Dick

Dick: ?

Wally: We don't fart on friends

Dick: Huh??


Wally: I think we should make it illegal to be mean to me.

Who's with me?

Dick: Not me

Wally: In my new world you would be put to death for such indiscretions


Dick: You know there's people who say I can't cook.

Wally: They obviously haven't had your famous cereal


Wally: Not having to bring my backpack to school on the last day of elementary school is honestly the last time I felt free


Dick: You are so busy blowing out bad vibes in every direction that we're all choking on you're second-hand smoke

Wally: Why do I recognize that?


Dick: When people go underwater in movies I like to hold my breath with them to see if i would survive that situation

Wally: Bet you almost died in Finding Nemo


Dick: Asparagus grows like it's trying to prank some idiot into thinking that's how asparagus grows

Wally: Damn you're right


Wally: So... Do you abuse drugs

Dick: Damn right I do.

I see a drug I punch the f*** out of drugs

Wally: Glad someone's doing it


Dick: What do you call a fly with no wings?

A walk

Wally: This is a notice that your friendship with Wally West has been terminated. Have a nice life.


Dick: 'I'm gonna wing it.' -me about something I definitely should not wing.

Wally" Oh my god it's becoming self aware


Wally: Can I ask you a question?

Dick: Sure

IDK I just have fast fingers I guess

Wally: How do you reply so fast?



Dick: Whatever you do today make sure you do it with the confidence of a 4 year old in a Superman costume

Wally: Uhhh okay


Dick: I would just like to announce that I have no idea what I'm doing

Wally: Thanks for the heads up


(Hey. Hope you enjoy the bonus chapter)

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