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Wally: Gender was invented by bathroom companies to sell more bathrooms.

Dick: LOL what??????


Wally: Why do old people read the bible so much?

Dick: I just asked some random old guy and he said they were 'cramming for finals'


Wally: It is my belief that everyone has a friend who is usually super nice but...

When they are angry they are the cruelest freaking people that one will ever meet in their whole life.

Dick: I am that friend


Dick: Did you know that most sandwiches don't even have sand

Wally: WTF does that even mean


Wally: *During a magnitude 1 earthquake* The owner of the Etch-a-Sketch museum- no no No No NO!!!

Dick: Owner of the bobblehead museum- yes Yes Yes YEs YES!!!!


Dick: Who would win

1 trillion lions or the Sun

Wally: The lions would win if they attacked at night

Dick: Yeah okay


Wally: I think I dropped my house keys somewhere. That was my favorite key

It opened my house

Dick: You sound like you need a hug or a friend who can pick locks

You are lucky I am your friend


Wally: I hate when people say fart instead of anal cough

Dick: Pls don't start that


Dick: I was looking up the word dibs on the internet and was wondering if other cultures had their own form of it and....

In Chile the equivalent of dibs would be matanga which means 'I killed you so, it's mine'

Wally: Nice


Wally: How much would a trip to Spain cost?

Dick: It depends where you live. For example if you live in Spain it's free.


Wally: It's quick, it's easy, it's free

Pouring river water in your socks

Dick: LMAO why would I do that?

Wally: It's quick, it's easy, it's free


Dick: Pathetic mortals.

Wally: ????

Dick: You spend so much time arguing whether or not a hotdog is a sandwich that you're ignoring the real question...

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