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You know the drill


Wally: I once knew a kid that got suspended from Catholic school because he referred to Jesus and the 12 disciples as J.C and the Boys

Dick: That the only way I'm going to refer to them now


Dick: Why English is easily my favorite language

I can say 'All the faith he had had had had no effect on the outcome of his life'

And it makes perfect sense!

Wally: Man it's the only language I speak and that sentence made my head hurt


Dick: Why is dark spelled with a K instead of C?

Because you can see in the dark.

Buh Bum Bum Tiss

Wally: I hate you


Wally: You know what's really odd?

Dick: Numbers not divisible by 2

Wally: I can't believe you typed those words and had me read them.


Wally: DUDE!!!!!

Dick: Yeah?

Wally: You know what we should do right now because I'm super bored?

We should go to Ikea and then hide in those closets and when someone walks by we walk out and say "I'm back from Narnia"

Dick: ...

I'm on my way


Dick: Let's play a game

Wally: Okay? I am slightly frightened

Dick: Don't be.

So if you could travel around the world with one person who would it be?

Wally: Pssh that's easy. Dora. She has everything in that weird magical purple backpack


Dick: M'gann told me you tripped on your shoe laces when you were leaving the bioship

You good?

Wally: I didn't trip

The floor needed and impromptu hug

Dick: And that's why you were crying

Wally: It was an emotional time.


Dick: I didn't hear from you today.

Wally: That's because I was busy converting oxygen into carbon dioxide, regenerating cells, transmitting nerve signals to my brain, and digesting food.

Dick: Ah


Dick: What did one ocean say to the other?

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