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Wally: Have we tried putting 2020 in rice yet?


Wally: the best barber can never receive the best haircut

Dick: Dude... ew


Wally: I don't wanna adult today

I don't wanna to human today either

I wanna goat, I want to eat all day and head but anyone who gets to close

Dick: Same


Dick: That awkward moment between birth and death

Wally: Dick what?


Dick: I found a book explaining how we use the silent treatment in a street fight

And let me just say

I will live forever by each word written in that book

Wally: Please let me borrow is some day so that I can also live by it's word


Wally: Just saw a sign that said 'buckle up teens it's totes yeet yo.'

Dick: Call help I think I'm having a stroke


Wally: Is it wrong to get a slight power trip when you answer Dora the Explorer incorrectly

Dick: No

She needs to learn her place


Dick: I personally, would love to calm down, and yet


Wally: Is it more goth to wear a black bandage or to leave the wound exposed

Dick: What's happening?

Self Discovery

Why are you asking me these things


Dick: This quarantine has been like a reverse purge


Dick: The average person spends about two weeks of their life kissing

Wally: Dude could you imagine someone kissing another person for two weeks straight?

Dick: That would be a lot of kissing


Dick: Nice ham you got there. It would be a shame if someone put a s in front of it and an e behind it

Wally: I don't have a ham

What are you even talking about

*fifteen minutes later

Wally: I get it now


Wally: Turns out that my 'I refuse to learn a new skill unless I'm immediately good at it' tactic is sabotaging my life

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