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Dick: Who do I contact if I found a plot hole in an episode of Criminal Minds that aired in April 2006?

Is there a hotline or something?

Wally: I don't know

But I will definitely be staying up all night to help you solve this problem


Wally: Today my diet has consisted of Five Guys and Popeye's so I'm probably going to live forever

Dick: You ate... five whole people?

Wally: Six counting popeye


Dick: Murder literally doesn't hurt anyone

You can ask anyone who has been murdered and they literally have nothing to say one the topic.

It clearly doesn't matter to them

Wally: Uhhhhh? Excuse you?


Wally: Peekaboo is essentially just making fun of babies for not understanding object permanence

Dick: I've made fun of babies for less


Dick: Microdosing on cannibalism by chewing the inside of my mouth


Wally: I have a very important question

Which food personality do you think you could dominate?

Dick: This was definitely worth my time

The Green Giant

I dream big


Wally: Just did my own taxes, I should be in jail by Friday


Dick: I hate driving behind school buses because I know the cool kids in the back are making fun of me.

Wally: Fair


Wally: Do to personal reasons I will be passing away

Dick: What happened to immortality?

Wally: That's only on Tuesdays


Wally: What do you call a broken can opener

Dick: I will snap your neck if you finish that pun I swear to god


Wally: Not wearing a labcoat so the so the other scientist know I'm a whore

Dick: Only wearing a labcoat so the other scientist know I'm a whore

Wally: You would try to out whore me wouldn't you?

Dick: Let's be real here, between the two of us who is more dramatic


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