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Dick: I have decided to make a new government

My first rule will be that no one can veto my rules

Wally: That's called tyranny and it is usually frowned upon


Dick: I am 50% handsome, 70% charming, and 80% attractive

Wally: That's 200%

Dick: That's cause I am twice the man you'll ever be


Wally: I'm a soft idiot, a sappy motherf***er, a sentimental bastard of you will


Dick: Putting soup in a square container... it's just not right it should be a circle one which is the shape of soup


Dick: Pros of wearing all black is you look like a bad*ss

Cons everyone knows when you eaten a powdered donut

Wally: Unfortunate truths of life


Dick: Trust me I know what I am doing

Wally: Not even God knows what you're doing Dick


Dick: Rage against the machine never specified what type of machine they were furious with but I reckon it was probably a printer

Wally: Why a printer

Dick: They're the geese of technology

Wally: Oh

So they're bastards


Wally: Give yourself permission not to be accessible at all times

Ignore that voicemail

Leave that message on read

Turn off your phone

Don't answer emails

Destroy your SIM card

Burn your house down

Disappear under mysterious circumstances

Dick: Done and done


Wally: Haven't heard from you in a while

Are you okay?

Dick: I stress about stress before there is even stress to stress about because I am stressed about the stress I will inevitably have soon, which is stressful, y'know

Wally: I am no longer sure if I am actually talking to you or Tim


Wally: Do you think that mosquitoes dare their friends to bite someone with bug spray on?

Dick: No, because mosquitoes don't have the mind to be able to communicate in such complex ways

Wally: Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't realize you were the world's top mosquito expert

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