Chapter 1 : The Demon

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" So the one out of three beings that caught our attention is unique if I say so myself. He is the Adopted son of Tatsu, So obviously the boy is a master of martial arts. The only drawback of this boy is ... He's the grandson of Lucifer." A male voice said, every fourth word the sound of gears locking and loosening could be heard.
" Now, Let's bare witness to what Tatsu saw in him at a young age." A female voice interjected before the sound of mysterious liquid being poured into a glass.

" This is the Speechless Demon of the outlands?" A voice said, questioning whoever was before them. The tone kept shifting to masculine to feminine with every word.
They stared at a young male chained to the ground, ensuring their safety for the time being. A Obsidian mask concealed his face, neglecting him the pleasure of seeing who's before him.
This male had a mixture of light and dark shaggy gray hair, strands of the hair rested on the mask. He wore a regular black trench with cleaned white bandages wrapping around from his stomach to his chest. The last thing was slick black pants with what seemed to be like casual shoes for an assassin.

  " I'll force you to speak... You filthy maggot." The voice spoke again, drawing closer to the young man. The sounds of their footsteps was able to help him determine how far they were from one another. A stench of tobacco filled the air, signifying the person talking enjoyed smoking.
" SPEAK!" The voice shouted, rising in pitch before they used their right foot to kick the male in the center of his mask.

The male leaned back, feeling the chains tighten around his wrist as he was jerked forward. He knew that the slightest movement would continue to tighten the chains.
" Get me my tools." The voice said until three quick claps echoed wherever the two were.
There was about three sets of feet while the sounds of metal clanked against one another.
" After I get the first hit, Proceed to beat him till he makes a sound." The voice said, walking away from him so that they could decide on what to use.

After a brief five minutes of bickering, The person decided on their weapon and it was normal. They grabbed a regular construction hammer, blood dripping from the handle. Each drop of blood echoed in the male's mind like a timer.
" Now you'll speak or have brain damage!" The person shouted once again, getting close before slamming the hammer in the area the male's left eye would be located.

A small crack formed around where his eye was and it seemed to not have fazed him at all.
" They're going to die Luna, Hiring people that are being hunted for money. " A male voice said, the exact same one from the beginning and it was obvious that these conversations were in two different areas.
" It's easier hiring them without them knowing that their death is eminent." A female voice spoke, giving it off that this was Luna. She spoke slow yet seductive.

The person didn't hesitate to use the hammer again, crashing it in the exact spot again. The male lowered his head, grinning underneath the mask. There was small pieces of the mask falling onto the ground, granting him sight which made the moment worse for them.
He started to raise his head, making eye contact with the person who assaulted him.
" Those beautiful Snow white eyes... I'll make sure to copy you after death." The person said, shifting through different appearances they've obtained over time.

In the blink of an eye, The male was gone from everyone's line of sight. The chains that restrained him bounced off the ground, leaving a small cloud of dust.
" Deno, Come out and play with me." The shapeshifter said, looking all around him except behind him.
Deno was now standing behind him, ignoring the other people around him. He maintained his focus on the matter at hand, feeling the persons movement quickly change through the vibrations on the ground.

Deno started turning around, grabbing ahold of the person's right hand which was holding the hammer. He was now staring them down with both his eyes. In the two seconds of being gone from their field of you, He was able to craft a hole for his right eye to see out of.
" D-Deno, I was only doing what I was paid to do...." They said, trying to make him feel pity.
There was zero hesitation in his body, kicking the shifters right kneecap inwards. He watched him fall forward, quickly grabbing from underneath his jaw while keeping a firm grip on it.

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